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mRNA Boosters Boosted All Cause Mortality

Image Credit: TruthwatchNZ

Dr. Guy David Hatchard

Guy is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. His published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data.

Information concerning mortality in 2021, 2022, and 2023 correlated with vaccination status has been released by Te Whata Ora — Health New Zealand following a Freedom of Information (OIA) request (attached). The figures are signed off by Astrid Koornneef, Interim Director of Prevention, National Public Health Service.

The released figures include all New Zealand registered deaths by month. The figures show that for the last six months of 2022, 80% of all people dying in New Zealand had received Pfizer mRNA booster shots. Yet according to official government figures updated 14 February 2023, only 73.2% of those eligible (18+ years) have received a booster.

1.8% of those dying are under 18 years of age and have, therefore, not received a booster. Adjusting for this, recipients of booster shots have at least an 11% increased chance of dying in 2022 compared to all other groups, including the double vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated. This equates to 3,040 additional 2022 deaths among the boosted when compared to other groups.

According to the Official Information Act Request, 39,313 persons died in 2022. These are the latest figures which may be subject to increase as the process of compiling 2022 death totals continues. The total number of deaths in 2019 (before the pandemic) was 34,260. The 2022 interim total is an increase of 15% or 5,053 deaths (compared to the pre-pandemic 2019 total).

An article in the NZ Herald erroneously claims that this spike in deaths is due to the effect of Covid 19 on an ageing population. This is not supported by data. According to the Government Covid portal a total of only 1,599 people have died with Covid described as the official cause of death, most of which occurred in 2022. This is insufficient to account for 5,053 extra deaths in 2022.

Moreover, the article completely fails to take account of the fact that the extra deaths are disproportionately occurring among people of all ages who have received booster shots. This would not be happening if increased deaths were a result of a knock on effect of Covid or an effect due to ageing. In either case, death rates would be equally shared among the various vaccination status groups, they are not.

From a statistical point of view, nothing could be any clearer—booster shots increase your chance of death from any cause.

Corroborating data is available from the UK, which we covered in our February 13 release. An analysis of 300 UK administrative districts shows that those with boosters have a progressively increasing risk of death in the months following their shot. Further UK information indicates elevated incidence of heart disease and liver disease are factors.

The latest OIA figures show that the continued insistence in mainstream media that New Zealand has benefitted from a net reduced death rate due to Government pandemic policy is untenable. The policy of encouraging booster shots should cease immediately. Further investigation into figures of hospital admissions and deaths by category should be undertaken urgently. This will shed light on the mechanisms whereby Covid boosters are causing excess deaths.
