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Mt Hobson Academy Connected (Online+)

Mt Hobson Academy
Alwyn Poole

Firstly let me say – this is a wonderful project and I am loving the work. I am fully available during the holiday period for families and potential staff. Please don’t hesitate if there is anything that you need to know. Contact and I promise to get back to you within 24 hours.

I have been consulting with a superb State school Principal who sees exactly what we are doing and why. This is THE new paradigm. This is a few statements from her and a superb graphic.

“The defining moment, when I knew ‘school’ as the industrial model, the model we all experienced and know, was imminently coming into a space of exponential change was when my son, now 21, boldly stated, ‘Mum, why do I need to memorise these facts? When will I never have Google in my pocket?’

Fast forward five years and over the last 18 months we have most certainly seen the real potential (and need) for a well designed, individualised, global, student driven, non-disruptable, holistic and connected model of teaching and learning, to meet the needs of all students, from Year 1-13!  

There is a huge difference between the ‘distance learning’ most of our children have experienced during the lockdown period in NZ, and a top quality designed online connected-learning framework! The recent experience being a ‘response’ to a global pandemic, whilst the latter and prefered, being a framework of deliberately designed curriculum experiences and projects to ensure high expectations teaching and learning, in authentic contexts, with absolute top quality educator delivery and unapologetic academic rigour at the heart!
MHA Online NZ-Wide 18.12.21.png

As increasing numbers of ‘schools’, globally, reimagine and move into the connected online space we will begin to see the emergence of the future of education for our young people. An education and a future which creates a sense of belonging, wellness, flexibility, agency, confidence, happiness and world-class educational outcomes. This comes five years too late for my own children, and just in time for yours! This is simply the beginning of something phenomenal. Join now and shape the future together!”

We WILL provide an education that is the equal, at least, of the very best NZ schools.

3. We have loads of testimonials like this one.

Our daughter Caitlin attended Mt Hobson Middle School (MHMS) from Year 8 to Year 10. Our reasons for sending her to Mt Hobson were related to her total commitment to being a professional tennis player. To achieve her aspirations requires a flexible and supportive school environment, one that recognises the pressures young athletes face.

The innovative timetable structure at MHMS, the personalised approach to education and the availability of the school leadership enabled us to work collaboratively with the school. Caitlin’s school programme was adapted to meet her sporting needs while still ensuring success academically. In particular, the independent study programme has provided her with the skills necessary to continue to succeed academically.

The culture of the school has meant that Caitlin was allowed to succeed, excellence was supported. Importantly, she was also allowed to be true to herself and to openly follow her aspirations. As parents we did not have to “fight” the system to provide Caitlin with training and tournament opportunities, both nationally and internationally. The flexible approach at MHMS made it easy.

During our association with the school we have also noted the success of the MHMS approach for a wider range of students. Evidence of this was clear at the formal end of year prize giving dinner. Every year 10 student leaving the school was given their moment of glory on stage, regardless of their ability level. Their time at the school was recognised, individual progress and achievements were celebrated.

We thank the entire staff at MHMS for supporting Caitlin and contributing to her ongoing education.

Dr Lorrae and Darren Ward

4. The complexities for parents in 2022 have already started. The first article linked here is indicative of what will happen in every school. MH Academy Connected (Online+) will be the counter-culture providing high-quality academics, connectivity, well-being and stability/predictability.

The second is showing that the kids’ vaccine is already in the booster shot zone:

5. This is a better version of our structure that I had previously sent out:

6. Some people have asked what our Villa/Franchise structure means for teachers/students/families. South Auckland Middle School and Middle School West Auckland are schools of 180 & 240 respectively. In practice, they operate in Villas of 60 with massive care for and knowledge of the individual. In some places and/or with some skill sets a teacher may have 25 Connected students under their care. They may also share teaching skills/resources with other Villas. There is no investment or establishment cost associated with this mechanism. It is a great idea for family communities. You do not need to get to 25 in a particular location – it can be shared geographically. The quality of teachers looking at this is outstanding.

7. We have formed a lead team for Well-Being (and can add to it over time). They are amazing. We are working hard on an Arts and Languages team also. The graphic below was sent to every school in NZ yesterday as these teams can contract . If you can help with connectivity please let me know.

8. This is my latest – very brief – substack:

This has been a tough year and few New Zealanders will have escaped some negative aspects. What we will provide will be a new paradigm for education and ensure a great set of educational outcomes and an aspirational future for our teachers, families and young people.

Have a GREAT Christmas and New Year. We won’t proactively reach out until January 10 but I am fully available for all of your contacts. The application form is below. For people who have a degree of certainty it helps us a great deal with appointments if you get your applications in soonish.

Application MHADownload

**For additional information our earlier advertorial is below:

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