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Mt Hobson Academy to Offer Nationwide Private School Online Option

Photo by HaticeEROL. The BFD.

Mt Hobson Academy

The last two years have been incredibly disruptive in both days in school and the quality of teaching and learning in New Zealand. Children/young people deserve high quality academic options and we offer them. Over the last 19 years children who have been through our Mt Hobson teaching and learning programme for at least one year have achieved Level 1 NCEA at 96% and thrived from there into a full-range of further study and employment/career options.

Cognition Education has this to say about our model:

“In summary we find and conclude that in both schools, the management and staff are actively involved in continuous development, and the delivery, of a unique programme of teaching and learning which is based on a comprehensive ‘local’ curriculum that is aligned with the New Zealand Curriculum, and which provides for the personalised needs of priority learners ‘many of whom have been failed by the current education system’.”

The next two years remains uncertain for education in NZ. November 15 2021 sees a vaccine mandate come in that will result in some very good teachers no longer able to work in person to person schools. When child vaccines become available some families will choose for their child to have them, others not. Some may prefer their children not to be in classes with children who are not vaccinated. Will the government mandate?

We will be able to provide high quality education and predictability through all of those circumstances.

Who: Mt Hobson Academy Online (Villa Education Trust)

Leadership: Karen Poole (CEO), Dr Bruce Knox (Qualifications Guidance), Alwyn Poole (Villa Education Trust), and two others to be announced.

Where: NZ wide online with regional academic/adventure camps 1 per term and local grouping.


  • Years 5 – 10: Run the Innovative Education Project Based and Core Curriculum.
  • Years 11 – 13: Full NCEA provision.

–   To express interest as a teacher/educator who may look to work with us – vaccinated or not:

–  To express interest as a family to be a part of this high quality, Private School, option:

We have more information available upon request. We will ensure the cost is as reasonable as is feasible.

Please note: The Mt Hobson Academy has full in-person learning in Auckland for up to 40 Year 11-13 students (

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