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Muslim Man Vandalises London Church

Video uploaded to social media showed the Muslim man committing the desecration. The BFD.

When the iconic Notre Dame de Paris cathedral went up in flames last year, the Western world was shocked and saddened. The cause of the fire is yet to be definitively established – although investigators are claiming electrical faults as the likeliest culprit – but it was unsurprising that many immediately suspected foul play.

Europe has been subject to a wave of vandalism and destruction of Christian sites, linked to the mass influx of Muslim refugees and illegal immigrants. Indeed, while most expressed their horror at the burning of Notre Dame and Parisians gathered to hold vigils and pray for the sacred site, hundreds of hateful messages were posted on social media, many “bearing visibly Islamic names” and repeating the Islamic battle-cry, “Allahu ackbar”.

The wave of destruction of Christian sites is spreading like a dark stain across Britain as well.

A Muslim man has been arrested after he climbed onto the roof of a London church and tore down a Christian cross.

Note that they’re not even trying to hide it any more.

Video of the incident, which was uploaded to social media, shows the man on top of Chadwell Heath Baptist Church in Romford on Sunday attempting to break down the wooden cross that stood over the church entrance.

Barking and Dagenham Police said in a statement that they were aware of the video and have arrested a male in relation to the criminal damage.

This is not an isolated incident, by any stretch.

New figures, provided by the Countryside Alliance, revealed more than 5,000 crimes were committed on religious premises in the past 12 months. This includes rape, theft, vandalism, assault, and burglary.

The Metropolitan Police recorded 1,106 crimes committed in religious locations which included 250 cases of violence against other individuals, 273 burglaries, 188 offences of arson and criminal damage and 371 thefts.

According to the Daily Mail, Mo Metcalf-Fisher of the Countryside Alliance said: “The latest set of figures, out only a year after the incredibly distressing numbers in 2019, make for horrific reading.

“We cannot risk being engulfed by a church crime wave and clearly more needs to be done to tackle this problem.

“Taking into account that during some of this year, the country was in lockdown, it is chilling to learn that criminals either acting alone or in gangs have taken advantage of this awful pandemic and continued to target rural churches.”

The anti-Church violence rages unabated in Europe.

Last year it was reported that hundreds of churches across France had been targeted by anti-Christian “militants” who had set fire to places of worship, stolen property, and smeared feces on walls and crosses.

Figures released by French police revealed that a staggering 875 churches were vandalized in 2018. A further 129 churches reported property theft, while up to 59 cemeteries were intentionally damaged.

In February alone, a record 47 documented attacks were recorded on churches and religious sites in France.

Yet this war against Christianity goes almost unremarked by the mainstream media. By contrast, the media works itself into hysterics at the merest suggestion that a mosque may have been “targeted”. For instance, Australian media gibbered about “Islamophobia” when a former church-turned-mosque was torched in a Victorian town. As it happened, the vandal was unaware that it was a mosque and attacked it under the impression that it was still a church.

Another mosque fire was shown by CCTV footage to have been lit by the imam himself.

A British man was jailed (and died in prison) simply for putting bacon on the doors of a mosque.

According to the Ministry of Interior, authorities recorded 1,063 anti-Christian acts in 2018. In contrast, anti-Muslim acts reached a record low since 2010, with a total of 100 acts.

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