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Oh, come on, it’s not all fat Tumblrinas… oh… The BFD.

George R. R. Martin, author of the A Song of Ice and Fire book cycle that birthed hit tv show Game of Thrones, is not a fan of fan-fiction. Because, he says, it’s lazy and bad writing. “You have to invent your own characters, you have to do your own world-building, you can’t just borrow from Gene Roddenberry or George Lucas or me or whoever”.

Martin isn’t just taking aim at the army of fat, moody Tumblr girls infamous for churning out such dreck as My Immortal, a Harry Potter fan-fiction, not just the worst fan-fiction, but possibly the worst piece of writing in human history. (A pretty amazing achievement, considering that the 50 Shades books exist.)

Oh, come on, it’s not all fat Tumblrinas… oh… The BFD.

Martin is also not-particularly-keen on Hollywood and its rinse-and-repeat cycle of sequels and “soft-reboots”. “It’s just a cash cow to them […] abominations to my mind like Scarlett, the Gone with the Wind sequel.”

But, inventing their own characters and creating their own stories is the last thing Hollywood is going to do. Mostly because they’re talentless, drooling Millennial morons, crippled by their obsession with identity politics.

And, so we get to… the “transgender”, “non-binary”, woke Harry Potter series.

As The Critical Drinker would say, “Fuck off, film…”

It looks like movie producers are planning to make a trans “woke” Harry Potter series that will be “more inclusive,” which, according to producers means “less straight and less white.” In this version, the magical characters will be played by transgender and non-binary actors who can do magic, like Harry. This decisions comes as a backlash to JK Rowling’s comments on transgenderism.

Some conservative commenters have responded to the attacks on Rowling as some sort of comeuppance for supposedly retroactively making key Harry Potter characters “gay”. But that’s to blow out of all proportion what Rowling actually said.

The entire source of the “gay Dumbledore” controversy is a brief couple of lines in a single DVD commentary. Rowling stated that Dumbledore and later villain Grindelwald’s relationship “was incredibly intense. It was passionate, and it was a love relationship”. But she also clarified that “I’m less interested in the sexual side”.

That’s it.

It’s the sort of thing anyone discussing, say The Epic of Gilgamesh and Gilgamesh’s relationship with Enkidu might talk about.

More to the point, they’re her characters: inventing relationships for them is her business alone, not a bunch of creepy Hollywood autogynophiles.

And especially not an even creepier bunch of child groomers.

The filmmakers are seeking a more diverse cast for the starring roles […] Some characters, notably James Potter, Harry’s father, cannot be performed by white actors in the new ‘web series’ versions, which will be televised online.

“Televised online” — meaning, confined to the bowels of Instagram, because even television networks have more sense than to touch garbage like this.

A statement from the project’s author, TikTok video producer Megan Mckelli, stated that the project’s goal is to reflect the variety of the fandom in its beloved characters, by incorporating individuals of colour, LGBT narratives, and characters of various religious beliefs except for Christianity.

Could they be any more blatant? This is not about entertainment, it’s entirely about pounding a hateful, “woke” narrative into kids’ heads.

Something that the cavalcade of bearded ladies, lesbian land-whales and mincing bottom-fanciers increasingly running Hollywood openly admit that they’re doing. After denying for decades that there’s a “gay agenda”, the agenda is out and loud and coming for your kids.

That’s if they can get this excruciating garbage past Rowling’s no-doubt-expensive lawyers.

A legal struggle with Ms Rowling, who is not believed to have granted permission for the producers to exploit her characters, appears to be on the horizon for the producers, who are headquartered in the Hollywood, California in the United States.


Because, of course, they are.

[Peter] Pettigrew must be represented by a “gender nonconforming non-binary trans male.”

Well, who wouldn’t want to watch such quality content as this?
