Here is my submission to the select committee on the Gene Technology Bill. You have until late Monday night if you want to make a submission here.
Five years ago, in 2020, New Zealand (and the rest of the world) was thrown into turmoil by panic over a supposed pandemic. I was not concerned about it personally but many people were and many still consider it to have been extremely dangerous and concerning. It has now been thoroughly well established that what happened was the result of genetic experimentation.
From late 2020 though the following years millions of New Zealanders were pressured into being injected with a product which, it is also now thoroughly well established, was an experimental gene treatment. Since then the health of New Zealanders has deteriorated so significantly that only the wilfully blind cannot see it. Hospitals are overwhelmed, doctors and nurses are burning out, ambulances scream up and down the streets and a doctor’s appointment is scarcely to be had for love or money.
Whether one attributes this health disaster to the first cause or the second, the fact remains that New Zealanders have very strong reasons not to believe that genetic experimentation is safe and beneficial. Moreover, any suggestions that this is different, that we don’t understand the science or that we should listen to the experts are likely to fall on very jaded ears.
I would like to add that, as an organic producer, I certainly don’t want genetically modified organisms blowing onto my land. And I would request you to understand that this is nothing to do with commercial interests or the ‘tolerance’ levels in certification standards. Rather, I am concerned for the health and wellbeing of my soil, my plants, my animals, my family and myself. I don’t want to be part of a mad scientist’s experiment, and that is a perfectly reasonable wish. Nor will I make the apparently expected disclaimer that I acknowledge gene technology to have tremendous benefits for health: I don’t. Vague promises are not cures for disease. Twenty years ago we were being told that genetic engineering was going to end world hunger. Where is that promise? Instead, genetic engineering is producing new diseases and driving poverty.
I request the committee to advise AGAINST passing the Gene Technology Bill into law.
Finally, I understand that the committee is not able to answer my questions but I would like to suggest this one for your consideration:
As the majority of New Zealanders have already been injected with an experimental gene therapy and have apparently been genetically modified, does that mean that they are now ‘regulated organisms’? If so, who is regulating them and how?