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Naked Hate on the March in Auckland

Let’s stop kidding ourselves: thousands of Kiwis are open anti-Semites.

They’re not going to want to hear it, because most of them are almost certainly people who’ll parade their “anti-racist” virtue for all to see.

Except that they really hate Jews.

It’s an ugly thing to have to say, but sadly there’s no doubt about it.

After all, if their first reaction to the worst massacre of Jews is to side with the perpetrators: they’re anti-Semites. If they ignore, dismiss as “understandable”, or praise as “revolutionary”, the most diabolical atrocities, including families tortured and dismembered in front of each other, women pack-raped until their pelvises were smashed, and unborn babies cut from the womb and beheaded, they’re anti-Semites.

This is New Zealand in 2023: unapologetic anti-Semitic hatred marching in the streets. And it’s not coming from the “far right” bogeymen the state want you to be afraid of (though you can bet the drooling fringes of the groyper right are in on it, too), but the mainstream left.

New Zealand has voted in favour of the United Nations’ call for an immediate humanitarian truce between Israel and Hamas.

However, it wasn’t enough for thousands of New Zealanders who took to the streets calling on our Government to demand a ceasefire.

In other words, they want Palestinians to be allowed to perpeterate the most barbaric butchery since the Holocaust, scot-free. They want hundreds of Israeli women, children and elderly to be abandoned to torture, rape and murder by Palestinians.

That’s what a ceasefire means.

They can’t even plead the pathetic “both sides” gutless moral relativism — because they’ve made perfectly clear whose side they’re on.

Labour MP Phil Twyford was shouted down when he spoke at a Palestine solidarity rally in central Auckland on Saturday […]

“I, for one, condemn the violence against civilians by Hamas, but I also condemn the violence against civilians by the Israeli Defence Forces.”

The crowd began getting louder and more people began shouting at Twyford.

Note that: they won’t stand for hearing even the mildest condemnation of the absolute horror perpetrated by Hamas. In fact, the very idea that Hamas has done wrong clearly infuriates them

“The fact that Hamas killed civilians does not give Israel a free pass to kill civilians and turn a blind eye to international law,” he continued.

Chants of “shame on Labour” can be heard over Twyford.

And they most certainly don’t want peace.

“The international community is saying to the parties – put your guns down, and that is the right thing,” he said.

Twyford was eventually drowned out by the crowd yelling at him.


So — no punishment for Hamas, no condemnation of the deliberate mass murder of Jews, no peace for Israel.

But the anti-Semitic crowd did go wild for the New Zealand Greens, whose stock in trade is parroting the open call for genocide of the Jewish state, “From the River to the Sea”.

The Greens stand with murderous terrorists, too. Ricardo Menendez calls for Israel to be erased. The BFD.

Are you getting the picture, yet, New Zealand? Thousands of New Zealanders, and a major left-wing political party, are open anti-Semites.

Is this the New Zealand you thought you lived in? To borrow a trite phase: are they you?
