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Christopher Luxon

National Party leader

Good morning,

The political year began with a bang yesterday when Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation. All attention will now be on Labour as it selects a new leader but, here in National, our job is to contest the election regardless of which Labour MP becomes Prime Minister.

Most news was pushed aside by Jacinda’s announcement but yesterday, food price inflation data was released showing the highest rate of increase in more than thirty years. Once again, the data simply puts numbers on what New Zealanders already know: On top of rising interest rates, families simply cannot cope with this cost-of-living crisis. This, alongside Labour’s inability to get things done, will be the election battleground.

National is ready. Yesterday I announced a limited caucus reshuffle. No wholesale change was required because our team is already doing an excellent job of holding the Government to account. You can read more about the changes here.

The media yesterday asked me about my picks for Labour Leader. That’s for others to opine on. My message to New Zealanders is that they’re going backwards under Labour, and only National can provide the turnaround and get the things done that will help New Zealanders get ahead.

I did talk about Jacinda and thanked her for her significant contribution to New Zealand. Being Prime Minister is a demanding role and she has given it her all. I wish her and her family all the best.

With an election eight months away, National is now laser-focused on campaigning on the issues that really matter.

My message to you – our tireless members, volunteers, and supporters – is that we can’t do this without you.
