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Kaikoura MP to Sponsor Petition for Covid-19 Public Inquiry



The petition calls on parliament to ‘Undertake a public inquiry into the national Covid-19 response.’

The petition gained 3054 signatures between 11th October and 5th November 2022, when it closed.

The petition handover event will be 12:30pm Tuesday 15 November on the steps of the NZ Parliament. From there it will be handled by parliament’s Petitions Committee.


The functions and powers of the Petitions Committee are set out on the parliament website. Briefly, these may include:

  • gathering more information or evidence about the issues raised by the petition. The committee may ask the petitioner for a written submission, and may also invite them to speak to the committee in person or by phone or video-conference. The committee can also ask for evidence and responses from other relevant people or organisations and invite them to speak to it too.
  • referring the petition to another select committee to consider, especially if the other committee has specialist subject knowledge and expertise relevant to the petition.
  • referring the petition directly to a minister to respond to. The minister must publish and present a response to the petition within 60 working days.

After consideration of the petition has finished, the committee will summarise its findings in a report to the House. The committee’s report will be publicly available online.

The committee’s report usually contains a summary of its investigation of the issues raised by the petition. In some cases the report will include recommendations to the government about actions or steps the committee wants taken in response to the petition. In other cases, a committee may present a report with no recommendations.

When a committee has presented a report that contains recommendations to the government, the government has 60 working days to respond. The government’s response is published in a paper to the House.

A press release by Rzesniowiecki today fleshed out the details of the petition:


That the House of Representatives undertake an inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic and official response; terms of reference to allow a full investigation, including public disclosure of the New Zealand Government’s actions, and encourage public input including testimony, evidence and research.


NZ is participating in negotiations for a global pandemic treaty before publicly reviewing the Covid-19 response. NZ society has been divided by lockdowns and mandates that in my view have caused considerable harm. I ask that a Covid-19 Inquiry terms of reference not limit a power of discovery and consider NZ-Pfizer contracts and negotiations for supply of Comirnaty and other vaccines and medicines, as well as reviewing decisions about generic antiviral medicines banned in NZ but used overseas.

The Petitioner asserts it is imperative that a full accounting of the Covid-19 Pandemic and official response is necessary prior to New Zealand signing up to a global pandemic treaty or any other binding instrument that might constrain New Zealanders’ rights and freedoms in the event of another pandemic pathogen whether of zoonotic or laboratory origins.

The Petitioner’s aim for a parliamentary inquiry is to establish the facts surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic paying particular attention to the New Zealand Government Response to the global Covid-19 Pandemic and its effects on New Zealanders’ lives, their health, wellbeing and economic prospects.

Terms of reference must provide for the disclosure of the all actions, communications and potential conflicts of interest of those who led the Covid-19 Response at the global and domestic level and the acts of institutions whose role it is to ensure the public good.

The inquiry must investigate the suppression of generic antiviral medicines throughout the pandemic. Early treatment of symptomatic people may have ended the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020.

Inquiry terms of reference must also ascertain the impact on the New Zealand people resulting from the official Covid-19 Response including lockdowns and the officially prescribed clinical cure of Covid-19 Vaccination with novel mRNA gene therapy injectable products which have caused much harm amongst the vaccinated. Mandating a product that causes harm is egregious.

Many public statements throughout the Covid pandemic from authorities and institutions have later been shown to be inaccurate. The censorship and condemnation of academics with opposing views, which were later proven correct, must be fully investigated.
