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Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The background of the Russian-Ukraine Conflict… and Oceania.



By JM White

NATO was established during the Cold War in response to the threat posed by the Soviet Union. That threat ended when the Berlin Wall came down 33 years ago, yet the NATO alliance has remained in place and has since been involved in military operations in the Balkans, the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. There are NATO member countries along Russia’s borders, from the Baltics to Bulgaria, and 30,000 NATO-designated troops. To be more specific, NATO is an army based in Europe and controlled by the Pentagon. Does the Monroe Doctrine apply only to the US?

The long-held US aim, as stated by Zbigniew Brzezinski, has been to push Ukraine away from Russia as a major step towards constraining Russian strategy, and, more distantly, Chinese strategy too, thereby sustaining US primacy. This is all about American hegemony, the Unipolar New World Order and American efforts to effect regime change in Russia – to replace Putin with an American puppet.

In 2014 Russian-speaking and Russian Orthodox-believing populations of the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk voted wholeheartedly in favour of independence from Ukraine. The government in Kyiv (mostly Ukrainian speaking and Catholic) then launched a war against those provinces under the guise of One Nation, One Language, One People. Russia watched for eight years as 14,000 people were murdered in this civil war. Where was the Western indignation at the murder of civilians? Where was the multiculturalism and diversity so vaunted as a Western value?

On 21 December 2021 the Kremlin presented treaty proposals, which included:

  • implementation of the eight-year-old Minsk Peace Accords (which include a commitment that Ukraine not join NATO);
  • dissolving the neo-Nazi-style Azov extreme-right Ukrainian militias;
  • engaging in serious negotiations about a new security architecture in Europe.

The US and NATO consistently refused to negotiate. Instead, they transferred huge quantities of weapons and trained Ukrainian military. Weaponising Ukraine is part of Washington’s quest for what the Pentagon calls “full spectrum dominance”. On 19 February 2022 Ukrainian President Zelensky gave a well-rehearsed speech at the Munich Security Conference insisting that Ukraine must have a clear path to join NATO and regretting that Ukraine had given up its nuclear arsenal – then the world’s third largest – after the end of the Soviet Union.

In the third week of February the Ukrainian military dramatically increased its shelling of the Donetsk and Lugansk, as reported by observers of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe). NATO was nowhere to be seen.

On 24 February Russian troops entered Ukraine.

Note well that not one of the warmongers sitting in American Congress or in any of the Western parliaments will ever put on a uniform and pick up arms to join the battle they so strongly advocate. Nor will their sons and daughters. On the contrary, they will live well as usual, with helicopters on standby to carry them to their bunkers should the war get too close or too hot.

Now NATO is in Oceania. Why? Is it something to do with Eastasia?

If you are not frightened by this, you should be.


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