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Natural Treatments for Staying Well in Winter

The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Another virus doing the rounds? Rushing out to get vaccinated against this years flu, assuming the vaccine makers picked the right variant? Why not look at all options for health, including natural treatments?

While, three years ago the unvaccinated were told that they should take their natural treatments and languish in the sheds on Wellington wharf, we are happy to share our natural treatments with everyone. There are many more ways to prevent or mitigate viral infections, than possibly harmful, ineffective vaccinations. These come with the added benefit of improving overall health and decreasing the burden on the health system. Why is the Ministry of Health/Te Whatu Ora (MOH/TWO) not promoting natural treatments?

The healthier we are, the less we have to fear from inevitable contact with viruses or any other contagion. Indeed, humans evolved alongside microbes for millions of years and we all carry bits of viruses in our own DNA. It is fair to say that viruses have made us who we are, with evidence that some viral infections may be beneficial in the long run, protecting against cancer by training the immune system, for instance.

Natural Treatments You Can Easily Use

You can download our natural treatment guide or read through the quick tips below.

Vitamin D

It is not generally appreciated how important it is to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for the immune system to respond appropriately to infections – including viral infections like influenza and Covid etc. Vitamin D is the “sunshine vitamin”. It is created in the body after bare skin is exposed to sunshine. This exposure must occur outdoors as the ultra-violet (UV) light frequencies that stimulate vitamin D production do not pass through glass. Often neglected is the importance of early morning sun on the skin. While vitamin D is made by UV frequencies that occur at midday, if the body’s circadian rhythm has not been “set” by morning sun (an action that needs to recur every morning), vitamin D production may not happen, even if you do go out in the sun at midday.

In cold weather when it is necessary to dress warmly and the sun is lower in the sky, vitamin D synthesis is greatly reduced and, over time, vitamin D that may have been stored in the liver from the summer months can decline until an individual’s vitamin D levels become insufficient or frankly deficient.

For unfathomable reasons the MOH/TWO will only fund a blood test under very narrow circumstances. However, this may be a test that is worth your money as we go into winter. Ask your doctor for a test and tell them that you will pay for it.

This is a useful reference about vitamin D that covers what levels of vitamin D are considered to be sufficient (or insufficient or deficient), as well as factors that affect how well vitamin D is synthesised from sunshine exposure, which includes latitude, climate and weather, as well as factors that differ from person to person, such as age, skin colour and body fat levels etc.

Vitamin D3 supplements are available for purchase. We suggest always taking a vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 combination supplement.

You may be interested to know that as early as 2020 the NZ government knew that vitamin D deficiency was associated with increased risks of a severe Covid infection and that doctors were given advice about considering vitamin D status of vulnerable patients.

Given how common vitamin D insufficiency is, we suggest that everyone check their vitamin D levels going into winter.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supplements are a very useful home remedy for viral infections. Vitamin C helps to boost immune system function so that the duration and severity of a viral infection is shortened and the risk of developing a secondary bacterial infection is reduced.

In practical terms, using Vitamin C for infections works best if you take it at the onset of a viral illness, when you get the first niggles or symptoms, rather than waiting until you feeling significantly ill. Hence the suggestion you keep a supplement at home so you have it if you need it.

During an infection the dose of vitamin C that is usually recommended is that of a ‘bowel tolerance’ approach. This may be 500 mg to 1000mg every hour or so until loose stools develop. Keep a vitamin C supplement at home so that if you feel like you are coming down with a viral infection you can start vitamin C immediately. We recommend avoiding the calcium ascorbate form of vitamin C.


For viral infections that have become severe, Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) is one possible treatment option. This was used by New Zealand’s most famous swine flu survivor, Waikato farmer Alan Smith. Mr Smith (who had hairy cell leukaemia that had not yet been diagnosed) developed severe H1N1 swine flu with pneumonia in both lungs and was alive only because he was on ECMO life support. (The ECMO machine was oxygenating his blood for him because his lungs were so full of fluid he could not breathe). His condition was continuing to deteriorate and his doctors expected him to die and recommended withdrawal of life support. Alan’s family and their lawyer managed to force the hospital to provide IVC. Alan made a full recovery from the pneumonia and his leukaemia also went into remission. Read the full story:

Unfortunately and, again, unfathomably, subsequent requests for IVC by desperate relatives for their loved ones have been turned down by New Zealand hospitals. This has had disastrous consequences for both the patients, their families and the over-worked MOH/TWO staff.

If you think you need IVC, a number Integrative Medical Doctors in New Zealand provide IVC in their practices, as does the NZDSOS clinic (in certain locations).



Isn’t it enjoyable being out in nature? The sun, negative ions and phytonicides that plants emit may play a part in improving our immunity. This is one of the natural treatments that is free and easily available.

Image Credit: NZDSOS


Eating a varied diet and avoiding foods that are highly processed is always a good idea.

In the winter, most people naturally tend towards warm meals. Seasoning foods with warming spices such as ginger or cardamon can also be a good choice. Soups and stews with seasonal vegetables and your choice of a meat, poultry, seafood or legumes are a good way to create inexpensive, hearty meals. You can add finely chopped vitamin C rich veggies or herbs (such as parsley, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, or watercress) just before serving to preserve their nutrients.

Foods that contain probiotics are a good idea to include in your diet year round, especially in winter when exposure to microbes may be increased. Some studies have shown reduced risks of viral infection with probiotic supplements. Including natural yoghurt and/or (non-pasteurised) fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut that contain  Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria in your diet is one way to support your immune system. You can also support these bacteria by ensuring you consume some dietary fibre.


While a large number of adults drink alcohol, it’s not generally appreciated that alcohol can have a variety of negative effects on the immune system, including increasing susceptibility to some infections.


Exercise is a very individual pursuit and it’s important to tailor the type and intensity of exercise to your overall health. However, it’s important to keep up some appropriate exercise over winter, even if you have to substitute activities that you may usually do outdoors such as running, walking or swimming for something you can do inside such as riding a stationary bike or having a dance in your living room.

Any movement, including regular small movements throughout the day, provide significant benefits to overall health.


Historically and prior to the advent of electricity, people slept more in winter when the days are shorter and the nights are longer. This may not be possible for many people today, due to work commitments or family routines such as getting children to school on time, but you can do a few simple things to maximise your sleep quality, such as:

  • Avoid screen use in the hour before bedtime. If this is not possible, then use an app such as “flux” on your computer or phone to reduce blue light exposure from the screen in the evening hours.
  • Turn your mobile phone off at bedtime because even when you are not using your phone, any time it is on, it will still be producing radio-frequency radiation (RFR) almost constantly to keep its connection with the local cellular phone infrastructure. This radiation, along with artificial light, can reduce your body’s ability to produce melatonin which is needed for quality sleep. If you must have your cell phone on at night because you are on-call for work or for some other compelling reason, turn off the wifi and blue tooth on your phone and keep your phone as far away as practical from your bed to minimise your overnight exposure to RFR.
  • Turn off any devices in the house that have a wireless component before bedtime. These would include devices such as the wifi on your router and your smart TV.
  • Keep your bedroom as dark as possible.
  • Ear plugs are worth considering if you live in a noisy area.
  • A bedroom that is slightly cooler is better for sleeping than one that is too hot. If your house is cold, a woollen beanie is great addition to pyjamas.

We Are Meant to Be Well

Humans come equipped with an inbuilt innate immune system and if we treat our bodies well, we develop a robust adaptive immune system that is able to keep us well in winter and every other season.

Trusting our bodies and using natural treatments is our best defense against Covid, flu and other infections.

If you need extra help, contact our clinic.


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We are indeed a community who look out for one another. By sharing this information you could help a friend or neighbour and really flatten the curve this winter.

  • Download this flyer and share on your social media channels
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  • Print a colour poster to display e.g., on a noticeboard at your workplace, community centre, church or sports club.
  • Print flyers to distribute in your area.
