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A nasty and quiet war is being waged by Police against the defiant protesters who have withstood everything for 22 days so far. The Police have blocked off the roads to prevent rubbish disposal and the draining of portaloos.

Meanwhile, they have been dripping poison into the willing ears of the complicit lying media stating that they are concerned about the sanitary conditions in the camp declining. (Without mentioning of course that it is the Police’s own actions that have caused that).

That is why the protesters don’t trust the Police. The Police are disingenuous at best and outright liars at worst. They’ve caused the problems that they’ve run off to the lying media to complain about.

Never mind though, necessity is the mother of invention, and so the protesters, who withstood torrential deluges, deliberate health and safety breaches by Speaker Trevor Mallard and antagonism and violence from Police – who have been caught time and again lying about violence, acid and many other things – have set about sorting out their own sanitary solutions.

They’ve plugged sprinklers, built drainage, erected a tent city, and now they’ve built toilet blocks, and attached those to the sewer system, you know, like proper plumbers would do. It is a fully functioning community, built almost overnight right on the doorstep of one of the most dysfunctional buildings in New Zealand.

The Peehive. Photo credit Facebook. The BFD.

And now they are installing shower blocks.

Shower block from Eco Cottages

They’ve had to do that because the Police and Wellington City Council have been obstructive in the extreme.

Well, these folk can make things happen, and they make it happen quicker than the wombles at the Council or the bureaucrats at Police National HQ can cope with.

And aren’t they annoyed about that too. Hurling all sorts of allegations that fail on closer inspection, like all the other lies told about the protest.

Remember when this protest started the protesters were described as useless, disorganised and a rabble? Well, 22 days later, none of those descriptions applies.

They are clearly very well organised, very capable, handy with tools, building and problem solving.

On top of that the protesters have torn up the play book of how protests should be organised and run. This is like nothing else ever seen. It is organic and these people have simply had enough. There is but one demand. Until it is met they stay put.

And they shall not be moved. End the Mandates.

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