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New Year Promises to Be a Great One For Political Tragics

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

2020 has arrived and it promises to be one of intense interest, at least for us political tragics. There is our own election, the American election and the ongoing saga of Brexit.  No doubt tragics of a different sort will keep banging on about climate change and how death for all of us is just around the corner. Then there will be the United Nations doing their best to march us all on to their misguided utopia of an eventual world government. Oh, and we mustn’t forget the ludicrous impeachment.

So what might be the outcomes of all of these? Some are easier to predict than others.
Starting with our own election where, unfortunately, the outcome is by no means a certainty. Had National performed in Opposition as effectively as David Seymour then I think we could be more confident of a result to our liking. National need to hammer home the things they will do that set them apart from Labour. Getting rid of Kiwibuild, a moderate message on climate change, start supporting legal gun owners, bringing back oil and gas exploration and charter schools and building roads. They should also show unequivocal support for our beleaguered farmers with realistic goals and regulations.

The American election looks much easier to predict. It will be tweeter Trump against whichever economic nutter the Democrats select. I just can’t see the Donald losing the election. He has lived up to most of his promises, the economy is strong and the sharemarkets are performing well. For how long is the million-dollar question? He has done well in the area of job creation which means he should maintain support in the rust belt. While some of his policies in relation to trade and foreign affairs might be questionable he overall comes across as a no-nonsense President and not one to be messed with.

Brexit will provide a year of engrossment. Boris will have to show a Trumparian determination to see it through. The EU is already starting to play dirty and act in a cowardly manner as they are only too aware that Boris now has the upper hand. You can expect plenty of political thuggery as this plays out. Boris must not yield any ground to these zealots of the left who despise anyone who thinks differently to them. How successful Brexit is could determine whether or not other countries decide to leave thereby hastening the end of a thoroughly obnoxious organisation.

The insane lot in the Green Party will no doubt keep wanting us to be forever having to change our knickers over their verbal emissions on climate change…while they get theirs in a twist. We can expect a lot more grandstanding from Greta as George (Soros) tells her what to say. No doubt all the other political wets around the world will continue to show their undying support to this child marionette of global warming. You have to feel sorry for her.

Despite the major setback to the EU through Brexit, that paragon organisation of the left, the United Nations, will be undeterred in their aims for globalisation. Just last Friday they approved a Russian led bid, backed by China, to create a new convention on cybercrime. Russia and China’s aim will be to extend their internet censorship from their countries around the globe. I would hate to think our UN luvvie PM would sign us up to this dangerous convention. It is nothing short of impinging on the rights to free speech.

And finally to the circus that is Trump’s impeachment led by the clowns from the Democrats with poor old Nancy forced to play the role of ringmaster. Ocasio-Cortez and her squad are pulling the strings from the high wires while Schiff, Nadler and co are the chimpanzees running the tea party. It appears Senate Democrats have a few more clues than their House counterparts as they are now expressing concern that the impeachment will only strengthen Trump’s hand following his acquittal in the Senate. They have come to the conclusion that the Donald will be able to say he did nothing wrong and the whole thing was a witch hunt. Correct, but we at The BFD  could have told them that at the start. This proves again that those on the Left are not the brightest of the human species. Hello Wellington.

However, you look at 2020, it’s going to hold our interest in more ways than one. And that’s before we get to prognosticating on how well Ian Foster will succeed as All Black coach! So many things to think about. But being on the right side, the bright side, I’m sure we’ll all cope.

Happy 2020!


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