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New Zealand Ruled by a Dangerous Doctrine

Fear. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

If you pay attention to the modus operandi of this Labour Government, you could be forgiven for thinking you were living in a land where democracy is dying. Jacinda Ardern is behaving like an amateur dictator. She is an amateur because, while she has found it easy to lock down law-abiding citizens, she has completely failed to lock up the gangs that are currently running rampant with guns.

It says something about the Prime Minister’s thought processes that she finds it perfectly acceptable to fund a criminal organisation to the tune of three million dollars of taxpayers’money but when commercial tenants are having trouble paying rent, directly because of her actions, it’s not her problem; somehow its the landlord’s responsibility. How can any reputable government operate in such a fashion?

I defy anyone to say we are being governed in anything like a democratic manner. Democracy has well and truly gone out the window in favour of Ardern’s system of dictatorship. Covid has provided her with the perfect platform for implementing it.

Dictators rule by fear. Right from the start, Ardern has used Covid as an instrument of fear. Fear is a proven means of manipulating the masses. Having achieved this to a sufficient level she set about implementing her agenda. Much of it is anti-democratic both in its content and the way it is being rushed through the parliamentary process.

Hooeypooey. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

This government is not ruling for the good of the country but rather by doctrine: what they think is best. They want everything centralised and an undue input from iwi. Three Waters is nothing more than a devious way of handing water rights to Maori. To achieve this local councils are being stripped of their water assets with an offer of compensation far less than the book value. It is hardly surprising most have not bought into this shady scheme. It’s a good bet this nonsense will be forced upon them. Some councils do need some financial assistance with water and they should be helped.

Landlords have been made the whipping boys in all sorts of ways. The latest, and one of the worst, is what I referred to in my opening paragraphs. Brought in with immediate effect it means landlords have to bargain with their tenant to try and decide what is a reasonable amount of rent that the tenant can afford to pay. In the case of no agreement being reached it has to go to the arbitration court. This is nothing more than the government abrogating its responsibility. It beggars belief that the government can legally act in such a way.

Even more outrageous is the legislation whereby the government want to be enabled to keep postponing local elections any number of times from the due date. One has to question what the real game plan is here. If they can do it with local elections and get away with it they can just as easily do it with national elections. This is Ardern’s way of introducing her agenda slowly so it looks less dictatorial and dangerous than it really is.

The centralising of health and the changes at Oranga Tamariki are all designed to give Maori more control in this area. It’s control to the point of Maori having the power of veto over anything that is proposed in health. That is completely unacceptable and gives undue power to a minority in this country.

There are too many examples of this government rushing through legislation under urgency and not observing due parliamentary processes. There is a lack of consultation and an arrogant attitude of ‘we know what’s best’. Much of the law-making is bad and its implementation appalling.

Grant Robertson said on Friday that ‘stamping out’ and ‘elimination’ of Covid do not mean zero cases and haven’t meant that right from the start. That would be eradication. As well as a book of basic mathematics, Grant also needs a dictionary. Here’s why:
ELIMINATION: the complete removal or destruction of something.
ERADICATION: the complete destruction of something.

He is playing with words just like the government is playing with our lives.

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