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New Zealander of the Year Awards

Free Speech Award
The BFD. Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Awards 2021.



Once again the New Zealander of the Year Awards are upon us and the semi-finalists have been announced.

Despite Maori being 17% of the population six out of ten of the finalists are Maori. Also, all the nominations except one are about helping a bro – hungry bro, P-bro, sister-bro, young bro.

A quick summary of the semi-finalists:

A student politician who appears to be only nominated because she has a disability. And here’s me thinking the disabled just want to be treated normally.

A former meth addict using AA principles to get addicts off the stuff even though AA has been shown not to work even for alcoholics. Still though given the choice between the two, I’d rather give my tax money to him than the Mob as at least his heart is in the right place.

An ex-punching bag trying to stop other women from being punching bags.

Three food hander-outers.

A kid mentor (as in a grown-up wanting to help kids, not a kid who’s a mentor, you know what I mean).

Wasn’t Jacinda supposed to end child poverty?

Thinking about it maybe the reason so many of the nominees relate to Maori has nothing to do with Maori favouritism at all. The fact that at least three of the nominees relate to poverty is a significant portion. This government’s policies and actions have done nothing to end poverty and homelessness. In fact, we’ve seen a significant increase in both poverty and homelessness and let’s face it for whatever reason Maori have borne a large brunt.

In other words, this year’s New Zealander of the Year Awards, (of course totally unintentionally), is a direct reflection of this government’s failed policies.
