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New Zealanders Once Were Proud

What has happened in New Zealand to allow this denigratory sentiment to have arisen? I proceed on the confident assertion that we are not all criminals.


I have noticed in the past 30 years how New Zealanders have largely ceased to be proud of their country. The presence of patriotism in the national psyche seems to have evaporated to a point where expressing pride in the country and its achievements are discounted and mocked. 

What is patriotism? There are many strong and credible definitions including some of the best which have emanated from the United States. The Courtney Institute For Democracy suggests patriotism is “a show of respect, loyalty and a love of one’s country”. For the purposes of this post that definition can be comfortably relied upon. I believe patriotism is a positive trait for all countries while not being confused with ‘globalism’ (whatever that actually is?) or ‘nationalism’.

Earlier this week, on a post on the Face of the Day, a description of the theft of a motorcycle from an unfortunate tourist was related. The comments to the post were, to me as a New Zealander, non considered, dirty and absurdly damning. The comments included a so-what attitude, as thefts occur in all countries visited by tourists, but the worst was claiming that the theft ‘typifies all New Zealanders’. In other words we’re all prone to criminality and that it is tolerated here.

The comment was not flagged as satirical, hence it was unjust, unfair and stunningly inaccurate. What can motivate a fellow New Zealander to damn this country so deliberately? Where does the motive to do so come from? What array of misfortunes have been inflicted on a commenter to cast aspersions on all (yes all!) other New Zealanders? I do not pretend to know what germinated the present lack of patriotism but observe it wasn’t the facile theory that it was caused by widespread disdain of politicians as that would imply it is only they who can tender any sort of a remedy. 

What has happened in New Zealand to allow this denigratory sentiment to have arisen? I proceed with the confident assertion that we are not all criminals. In recent weeks in the United States we have seen a flare-up in patriotism generated by the resounding victory of President Trump and the astounding actions being undertaken in Washington DC which have made ‘America Great Again’ and while not emblazoned on the caps, he certainly has made Americans Proud Again. New Zealand does not have a Donald Trump, and frankly, like the United States we shouldn’t require one. The lack of patriotism is a social affliction neither caused by politics nor in need of politics for it to be remedied. 

My suggestion to restore patriotism in New Zealand asks all citizens to assess their personal levels of self-esteem given that how we all regard our country is an accumulation of personal interests forged together by the common place in which we are privileged to reside. 

We do not participate in a criminal society and to ensure this we have a solid police force and reliable justice system. (I expect many will question both of these statements based on MSM sniping and an adherence to darkness, but I insist they are both true.) These institutions do not represent a criminal society but rather a decent and law-abiding one. My encounters with New Zealanders in more than seven decades speak to me of a largely fair-minded populace and a spirit of decency. Hence I bristle at an accusation from a single commenter based on one incident that we are a criminal society...We are not! Let’s remember this, promote it and cease the unfair suggestions to the contrary.


Trudeau Has Left the Building

Trudeau Has Left the Building

Here’s my prediction. Poilievre will win a solid majority and Globalist Davos Man Mark Carney will be Canada’s shortest-serving PM in history. That would be a fitting tribute to pretty-boy Justin’s devastating decade in power.

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