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New Zealand’s Biggest Flogs Out Themselves

What a pack of wankers. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Nearly a hundred wealthy New Zealanders just outed themselves as virtue-signalling flogs.

Of course, that’s not what they want you to think, but that’s the obvious conclusion.

A group of 96 wealthy New Zealanders are calling on the Government to tax them more.

Here’s a thought: if you want to pay more tax, no-one’s stopping you. If you claim to want to pay more tax, but don’t actually choose to do so, then the rest of us are entitled to conclude that you’re just full of it.

Signatory and Ecostore founder Malcolm Rands says he doesn’t mind if it’s done through increased income tax, a wealth tax or a capital gains tax.

One thing that apparently hasn’t occurred to him is not claiming any tax deductions. That way he could easily increase the amount of tax he pays.

So, why isn’t he doing that?

The group wrote an open letter to the public and politicians of Aotearoa explaining how frustrated they are at the amount of tax they pay, and they wish to pay more.

The tax they pay funds everything from teachers to DoC rangers, through to healthcare professionals.

So, why not make donations to schools? Schools happily accept donations and bequests. They might even name an award or a building after you, which should appeal to your puffed-up egos.

Want to donate to the DOC? Here’s a handy link.

Health trusts also gratefully accept donations. The “96 wealthy kiwis” can even specify that their donation go to support a particular hospital or ward, a particular area of research or even a particular locality.

Taxes also pay for the social services and payments that assist communities, including superannuitants, families and individuals needing support. Tax is one way to pay for that.

We’ve got that one covered, too. Poverty charities. “Support in Tough Times” charities. Youth. Environment.

In fact, there are charities covering everything you can imagine. Charities who will more than gratefully accept donations in lieu of asking the government for a share of those extra taxes the rich bullshit artists claim they are so desperate to pay. There are even whole organisations dedicated to nothing but finding ways apparently guilt-ridden rich people can turn over their filthy lucre to more worthy recipients.

They could even decline to claim a tax break for the donations they make – paying more tax and giving directly to needy causes. Double win!

The group says tax is one way to build a better world and are proud to pay it, and ready to pay their fair share.

NZ Herald

But it’s not the only way – and there’s nothing stopping them from doing it, anyway.

So, why aren’t they?

It couldn’t be that they’re just full of shit, surely?
