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Republished with Permission

Author: Bryce Edwards

Kia ora everyone

I established the Democracy Project five years ago as a vehicle for putting out news and analysis about New Zealand politics and society. Over that time, I’ve become increasingly concerned with the state of democracy in New Zealand (and elsewhere), and especially about the outsized role of vested interests and declining integrity in our political system.

Therefore, I’m shifting my focus towards these problems through a new vehicle to combat them: The Integrity Institute.

I’ll provide more detail about what The Integrity Institute will be doing in the next few days and weeks. But the main message today is that the functions of the Democracy Project are largely being incorporated into The Integrity Institute, including our long-running “NZ Politics Daily” email service.

There will be some changes to this, including its name – which will now be: “News Briefing: A digest of NZ news & analysis”. But the good news is that by setting up The Integrity Institute, our ability to continue providing this service is assured.

We are also launching a second email newsletter today, “Integrity Briefing”, which will provide updates on what The Integrity Institute is doing, including our analysis of topical social and political issues from an integrity perspective.

As always, I really welcome your feedback and thoughts - just reply to this email.

Kind regards


Dr Bryce Edwards, Director, The Integrity Institute

News Briefing: 3 February 2025

Danyl McLauclan (Listener): David Seymour once again pulls the rug out from under National (paywalled)
Claire Trevett (Herald): Why PM Christopher Luxon faces a harder job selling asset sales than Sir John Key (paywalled)
Luke Malpass (Post): The things voters care about (paywalled)
Tracy Watkins (Sunday Star Times): Will the Government’s digital nomads scheme shift the dial? (paywalled)
Susan St John (Newsroom): Don’t let social service cuts lead us to our lowest point
Robert MacCulloch (Herald): Christopher Luxon’s Ministry for Economic Development may as well be a Ministry of Silly Walks (paywalled)
Don Brash, Michael Reddell (Sunday Star Times): We set out to close the gap with Australia by 2025 - and we’ve failed (paywalled)
Nikki Macdonald (Sunday Star Times): How many tourists do we want, and need? (paywalled)
Andrew Bevin (Newsroom): NZ’s China visa policy the world’s least competitive – business roundtable
Victoria Crockford (Spinoff): Come on down to Queenstown – just don’t use the loo
Luke Malpass (Post): Foreign investment, yes. But is the Government being bold enough? (paywalled)
Ryan Bridge (Herald): Christopher Luxon must define the economic debate or let David Seymour steal the show (paywalled)
Sam Stubbs (Post): How privatisation part 2 should work (paywalled)
Thomas Manch (Post): A rough guide to investing in New Zealand (paywalled)
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Luxon should emulate Trump’s business tax cuts for NZ growth (paywalled)
Dita De Boni (Post): Country of ‘yes’ says ‘maybe’ to changing tax law putting tech talent off NZ (paywalled)
Ben Thomas (Post): Luxon wastes no time setting narrative, but obstacles remain (paywalled)
Liam Dann (Herald): When even the world’s oldest profession is struggling you know times are tough (paywalled)
Eric Frykberg (Interest): Major obstacles to any inclusion of the state farmer Pamu in a privatisation programme under a future National-ACT Government
Nick Leggett (Post): Future of public assets a discussion NZ needs to have (paywalled)
RNZ: Consumer confidence drops back into negative territory
RNZ: Watch: Prime Minister and Economic Growth minister speak to media

Bryce Edwards (Post): The ‘ideological trojan horse’ of the Regulatory Standards Bill
Bryce Wilkinson (Post): Property, liberty, transparency: the principled basis for the Regulatory Standards Bill

Brian Easton (Pundit): The Proposed Regulatory Standards Bill
James Kierstead (Newsroom): Hayek’s real bastards

David Williams (Newsroom): Devil’s in the detail for new Dunedin hospital
Anna Sargent (RNZ): Dunedin Hospital build turned into 'political football' - union
Tara Ward (Spinoff): ‘We have listened’: Simeon Brown confirms the south will get a New Dunedin Hospital
RNZ: Specialist disappointed older people being let down over Dunedin Hospital revamp
RNZ: Protesters target Health Minister Simeon Brown over Dunedin hospital plan
Thomas Manch (Post): Government decides on smaller Dunedin hospital, confirms Cadbury factory site (paywalled)
RNZ: Watch: Dunedin to get scaled-back hospital, Health Minister Simeon Brown confirms
Duncan Garner (Listener): How many kiwis still need to quit to meet NZ’s smokefree 2025 goal? (paywalled)
Jonathan Milne (Newsroom): Finance boss steps out of the fire – into the Health NZ pan
Miriam Bell (Post): More mental health funding needed for construction industry (paywalled)
RNZ: 'An overreach': Mayor against possible ban on fizzy drinks
Isaac Davison (Herald): Assisted dying: Patient struggled to find place to die because of hospice opposition

Charlie Mitchell (Press/Post): Climate commissioner has link to controversial coal mine expansion (paywalled)
1News: Mining announcement: Protest as Jones adds coal, gold to minerals list
Amy Williams (RNZ): Environmental groups express concerns over mining exports plan
RNZ: Stewardship land as important to preserve as DOC land - Forest and Bird
RNZ: Protesters cause disruption before Shane Jones' mining plan announcement
Michael Daly (Stuff): Government aims to double mineral exports in next decade
Press Editorial (Post): Mining for money and votes (paywalled)

Jamie Ensor (Herald): Number of threats against politicians nosedives in coalition Government’s first year – so what’s changed?

Paul Little (Listener): Rocking the vote: Are we getting the democracy we deserve or being taken for a ride? (paywalled)
Giles Dexter (RNZ): Shane Jones willing to share 'shot of tequila' with Mexican Ambassador
Joe Hendren: Winston Peters and NZ First: Nationalists or opportunists?
James Nokise (Post): Slurs and stand-offs come straight from the rhetoric playbook (paywalled)
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson to return to work at Waitangi after being diagnosed with breast cancer
Erin Johnson (Stuff): Marama Davidson returns to politics from cancer treatment
1News: Marama Davidson announces her return to politics
Mihingarangi Forbes (RNZ): Mata Season 3 | Episode 1: Marama Davidson returns to Parliament
Brent Edwards (NBR): Going for growth, privatisation, going faster, and ugly politics
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Shane Jo-Jo sings Get Back as Parliament tunes up again (paywalled)
Damien Grant (Stuff): Golriz Ghahraman and the visceral antipathy she generates at the fringes
RNZ: Jacinda Ardern documentary wins award at Sundance Film Festival
Anne Salmond (Newsroom): Hell is truth seen too late

Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk): Government clamps down on 'tenure-based' pay rises in the public service (paywalled)
Jamie Ensor (Herald): Manurewa Marae: Inquiry findings delayed hours after press conference called
RNZ: Manurewa Marae inquiry report delayed again

Jamie Ensor (Herald): Working from home data for public service released - how do ministries perform?
RNZ: Third of public servants work from home one day a week, new data shows
Bridie Witton (Stuff): One third of public servants working from home at least once a week
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Post): Nearly a quarter of public servants work from home on Fridays (paywalled)

RNZ: Legal experts weigh in on length of Tim Jago's name suppression saying there is a right to appeal
Simon Mercep (1News): Exclusive: Abuse survivor speaks out after Tim Jago conviction
Pretoria Gordon (RNZ): Former ACT Party president and convicted sex offender Tim Jago's name suppression went on too long - advocate
Anneke Smith (RNZ): 'No way' of knowing Tim Jago was abuser - ACT Party
Anneke Smith (RNZ): Former ACT Party president Tim Jago named as former political figure who abused teenage boys
Edward Gay (Stuff): Former ACT Party president named for sexually abusing boys
Thomas Manch (Post): ACT leader David Seymour denies wrongdoing over Tim Jago allegations (paywalled)

Julia Gabel (Herald): Government introducing more beneficiary sanctions, including weekly five-hour training course
Brianna McIlraith (Stuff): Economists predict unemployment will hit up to 5.1%
David Hargreaves (Interest): Unemployment may hit a four year high - but the peak could be close
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Post): Unemployment expected to top 5% for first time in 7 years (paywalled)
Esther Taunton (Stuff): How working more ends up costing some Kiwi families

Julia Gabel (Herald): Treaty Principles: Most New Zealanders believe respectful Treaty, race relations debate important
Mildred Armah (Stuff): Kiwis ‘largely united’ on wanting to see Te Tiriti honoured, report finds
Kevin Norquay (Sunday Star Times): Should I stay, or should I go? How PMs decide whether to go to Waitangi (paywalled)
Adam Pearse (Herald): Waitangi 2025: An absent Christopher Luxon, Marama Davidson’s return and the tension-raising Treaty bill
Herald Editorial: Prime Minister Christopher Luxon wrong to stay clear of Waitangi
Shane Te Pou (Herald): Christopher Luxon needs to show leadership in this distracted, divided Government and attend Waitangi (paywalled)
Chris Hipkins (Herald): Waitangi Day 2025: Christopher Luxon should be at Waitangi to face division he’s allowed
Chloe Swarbrick (Herald): Waitangi Day 2025: Reflecting on history and Māori sovereignty
Rawiri Waititi (Herald): Waitangi Day 2025: Te Tiriti remains a beacon of hope in the face of adversity
Rachael Kelly (Sunday Star Times): From Clutha to Waitangi: A southern mayor’s search for knowledge on our national day (paywalled)
Joel MacManus (Spinoff): What did the Māori chiefs say before the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840?
Annabel Ahuriri-Driscoll (RNZ): Treaty Principles Bill's promise of 'equal rights' ignores blind spots of our democracy
Audrey Young (Herald): Waitangi Tribunal sovereignty report is back in focus as northern settlement rekindled (paywalled)
Moana Ellis (Local Democracy Reporting): 'Malicious intent': Descendant of Treaty translator slams Principles Bill, demands apology
Moana Ellis (Local Democracy Reporting): Descendant: How 24 hours in history shaped this local politician's views
Layla Bailey-McDowell (RNZ): 'Together for Te Tiriti': Lush joins fight against Treaty Principles Bill
Phil Smith (RNZ): The House: The Maunga owns itself: Taranaki histories and apologies
Craig Ashworth (Local Democracy Reporting): Crown finally bows to tupuna maunga

RNZ: New charter schools open doors for term 1
Mary Afemata (Local Democracy Reporting): 'Our students deserve better than this. We will not back off'
Michaela Gower (Herald): Gagging on a school lunch: Ministry of Education removes clause some schools felt stifled by
Erin Johnson (Stuff): Famine to feast - teething issues continue with school lunch programme
RNZ: Lunch deliveries delayed to Auckland schools after oven issues
Brittany Keogh (Post): More ECE centres hire overseas teachers - and get Government cash to do so (paywalled)
Kate Nicol-Williams (1News): What can NZ learn from Singapore's high performing maths education?

Simon Wilson (Herald): Desley Simpson for Auckland Mayor? (paywalled)
Jonathan Killick (Sunday Star Times): Unfinished business: Wayne Brown’s agenda for next three years as mayor (paywalled)
Mary Afemata (Local Democracy Reporting): Auckland playground removal: ‘It feels like the drinkers have won’
Tom Hunt (Post): Would-be Wellington mayor has a secret buyer and a hit list (paywalled)

Andrea Vance (Post): Second time’s the charm for would-be mayoral candidates? (paywalled)
Emma Ricketts (Stuff): Wellington mayor feeling ‘really good’ heading into 2025
Pretoria Gordon (RNZ): 'It's for New Zealand' - Crowd protests Begonia House demolition with sit-in
RNZ: Begonia house 'sit in' protest to be staged by Friends of Wellington's Botanic Gardens
Gwynn Compton: What does new local government minister Simon Watts mean for the sector?
Reynold Macpherson (Rotorua Daily Post/Herald): Opinion: The big challenge councils face with debt (paywalled)
Joanne Naish (Press/Post): Can the West Coast, with 33,000 people, sustain four local councils? (paywalled)
Glenn McLean (Stuff): Councillor Chong wants New Plymouth council meetings on YouTube
Alisha Evans (Local Democracy Reporting): Tauranga's first Māori ward councillor Mikaere Sydney resigns
Hamish McNeilly (Stuff): Pass Go: How Dunedin decided on its Monopoly board
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Council said it was 'abandoned land’, family says it definitely is not
Emily Ireland (Local Democracy Reporting): Masterton Town Hall submission deadline looming

Hanna McCallum (Post): Concerns of growing number of homeless children (paywalled)

Caroline Williams (Stuff): No-cause evictions are back, so when is an eviction illegal?
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Details on proposal to build 1000-home ‘green community’ near Napier made public
Susan Edmunds (RNZ): Thousands tap KiwiSaver for 'second chance' at home ownership
RNZ: Number of homes for sale in January hits 10-year high

Georgina Campbell (Herald): Analysis: Will Cook Strait Interislander ferries be privatised? Not on Winston Peters’ watch (paywalled)
Oliver Lewis (BusinessDesk): Government has yet to set up Interislander ferry procuring company (paywalled)
Herald Editorial: Speed limit reversals: Government better know what it’s doing (paywalled)
Gill Higgins (1News): Will Simeon Brown regret slashing funding for cycleways launched by Key?
Jared McCulloch (1News): Queenstown's mixed feelings on its $130m 'road to nowhere'
RNZ: A fix within 24 hours for 98% of potholes on state highways exceeds govt target
Matthew Rosenberg (Local Democracy Reporting): Gravel road debate: Southern council puts off decision
Ashleigh McCaull (RNZ): Wellington electric ferry sits idle for seven months due to fault
Andrew Bevin (Newsroom): Lack of competition – not freight – behind Waiheke’s high petrol prices
1News: Auckland's fare changes kick in today - how will it affect your commute?

Thomas Manch and Zane Small (Stuff): NZ’s Washington embassy contacts US Senator Ted Cruz after 'incorrect' Israeli visa claim
Lauren Crimp (RNZ): New Zealand diplomats reach out to US Senator Ted Cruz over false Israeli immigration requirements
RNZ: Winston Peters has fiery response to US Senator Ted Cruz about NZ immigration requirements for Israelis
Stuff: Foreign Minister Winston Peters responds to US Senator Ted Cruz’s ‘fake news’ X post
Andrea Vance (Post): What’s behind New Zealand’s diplomatic rift with Kiribati? (paywalled)
Vernon Small (Sunday Star Times): Trump leaving NZ in the rough (paywalled)
Ruth Cross Kwansing (Asia Pacific Report): NZ- Kiribati fallout: A ‘Pacific way’ perspective on the Peters spat
Sione Tekiteki (RNZ): NZ-Kiribati diplomatic rift: How personalities and misunderstandings can drive foreign aid
Paula Penfold (Stuff): No extradition of Vietnamese officials involved in Wellington indecent assault
Brent Melville (NBR): NZ High Commission in Vanuatu gets decommissioned (paywalled)


Murdoch - Sunday Star Times 2 February 2025
Bell - The Post 1 February 2025
Emmerson - NZ Herald 2 February 2025

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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

A Herald reporter on the bus heard a passenger yelling “perv” and asking the driver to pull over. Another person was heard saying “you don’t treat women like that”, while another was heard sobbing.

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