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Newsflash: Huge Drop In Jobseeker Numbers!

excited woman

Lindsay Mitchell

Lindsay Mitchell has been researching and commenting on welfare since 2001. Many of her articles have been published in mainstream media and she has appeared on radio, tv and before select committees discussing issues relating to welfare. Lindsay is also an artist who works under commission and exhibits at Wellington, New Zealand, galleries.


Net Jobseeker numbers dropped by nearly 5,000 in the week to November 12. That’s fantastic.

The BFD.

The number of people cancelling their Jobseeker benefit numbered 8,280 – an increase of 5,535 on the prior week. The economy must really be picking up!

Too good to be true?
It is.

What happened is around 5,000 Jobseekers were transferred to  Sole Parent Support on November 8.

Because of a policy change, sole parents with babies and toddlers added to an existing benefit no longer have work obligations. The government has told them not to worry their heads about looking for a job. ‘The taxpayer will keep on funding you for as long as you keep on having babies.’

What looks like a great news graph is actually a very bad news graph. People who keep having children when they are already reliant on welfare have a habit of staying on benefits for years.
But thanks to all you hard-working young couples who are either delaying starting a family or putting your children in daycare every day to go to work to pay your taxes.

Without you, the government wouldn’t be able to be so kind and compassionate.

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