Nicole McKee
ACT Justice spokesperson
The Government wants to put 90 of the worst criminals in New Zealand back on our streets over the next four years without a care for their victims.
“According to the Regulatory Impact Statement on the repeal of Three Strikes, 75-90 places will not be needed in our prisons by 2025.
Three Strikes offenders make up just one per cent of all convictions, they have an average of 75 convictions, they are the worst and most violent offenders New Zealand has seen. They aren’t behind bars for petty theft or minor crimes. They have beaten, raped and murdered people.
For every offence carried out by these people, there is a victim. Labour seems to have forgotten that.
The soft on crime Labour Government might be ok with an additional 22 serious violent offenders on our streets each year, sadly, innocent people will become victims when these people inevitably reoffend.
Kris Faafoi and Jacinda Ardern should face the victims of these violent thugs and explain to them why they are letting them out. In the coming years they should also face any new victims these people offend against when they are released from prison early.

ACT will always prioritise the safety of New Zealanders and victims ahead of sexual and violent offenders. As part of the next Government, we will push to reintroduce Three Strikes, because victims of violent crime deserve justice and New Zealanders deserve to be safe.