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“Those jackasses are at it again?” The BFD.

Once again, the American left are resorting to violence and mayhem. It’s as predictable a tantrum as taking a teenager’s smartphone: the left lose an election, they scream and cry, stamp their feet and throw things.

It’s been going on for four years now, and getting worse. Each time, the Democrats and their media stooges cheer on their boot-boys running riot in the streets, and each time, middle America turns away in disgust. The lowest wattage dim bulbs that they are, it never dawns on the left that their mass tanty might not be working. Instead, like the spurned toddlers that they are, they just scream and stamp louder and harder, and smash more things.

And middle America refuses to give in to their bullshit.

President Trump on Monday threatened to call in the United States military in an effort to curtail protests across the United States, and it turns out most Americans — even some of those who think the president is doing a poor job of handling the demonstrations against police brutality — would support such an action, a new Morning Consult poll revealed Tuesday.

Among all registered voters surveyed, 58 percent said they would somewhat or strongly support having the military supplement city police forces compared to only 30 percent who said they somewhat or strongly oppose the measure.

There are some differences among demographics — younger people are a little more likely to oppose the move than older people, and Republicans were more far more likely to support it than Democrats. But there was still a plurality of 48 percent of Democrats who would back the decision, compared to 43 who wouldn’t.

A recent history lesson might also be in order for the literal jackasses (look up the history of that symbol) of the Democrats.

In the late 60s, the American left was trying the same trick: resorting to violence when it couldn’t get its way at the ballot box. So, what did America do? It handed the White House to Richard Nixon in a landslide.

Of course the left learned their lesson…just kidding. They did exactly what they are doing now: amped up the riots. Worse, they embarked on a reign of terror which was to last all of the 70s. The bombing campaigns – nearly 2,000 bombs detonated in America by leftist radicals in 1972 alone – were explicitly acknowledged as a direct response to Nixon’s victory.

But the bombings exploded in the left’s faces like a nailbomb in a Manhattan townhouse. In the 72 election, Nixon amazingly swept the board practically clean. Nixon not only won 60% of the popular vote, he carried 49 of 50 states in the electoral college – a result that Republicans wouldn’t match until Reagan’s second term.

But then, if the left were capable of learning from their mistakes…they wouldn’t be leftists.

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