We all know the lawsuits are coming for the gender whisperers and child mutilators. The insurers know it, too.
In a sure sign of the growing backlash against the illogical, harmful “trans” cult, one of Australia’s leading medical insurers has announced that it will no longer cover private practising doctors who “transition” children.
MDA National said it will also no longer insure private doctors, such as general practitioners, from legal claims arising from the assessment of patients under 18 as suitable for gender transition treatments, such as cross-sex hormones and gender affirmation surgeries.
Groomers, you’re on your own.
The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH), representing hundreds of health professionals who provide care to transgender people, is aware of some GPs who have already stopped gender-affirming care — a model that supports the child’s choices and can lead to medical interventions such as puberty blockers and hormone treatment.
Or, to put it another way: that mutilates and sterilises children, and leaves them unable to ever enjoy life as a fully-functioning adult.
AusPATH is concerned the MDA National decision will particularly affect trans youth living outside major cities, who struggle to access public gender services.
“It’s going to stop a number of children ever being able to access gender affirming care before they turn 18,” AusPATH president Professor Ashleigh Lin said.
These mini-Mengeles with a bent for mutilating children need to be held to account.
The MDA National decision, effective from July 1, comes after the insurer reviewed the medico-legal risks amid what it described as “growing criticism globally of the research that underpins medical and surgical transition of children in response to gender dysphoria”.
It was made in response to “the risk of potentially high-value claims arising from irreversible treatments” provided to children and adolescents.
The insurers are also admitting that children, who are recognised as being insufficiently developed to drive a car, vote, or be held criminally responsible, are being led down the rainbow path of crippling lifelong medical and mental problems by the very people who should know better.
“Children are not able to transition without relying on the assessments of medical professionals,” MDA National said in a statement to the ABC.
“This places doctors in a uniquely vulnerable position with respect to future litigation – particularly so, if courts take the view that the practitioner has influenced a child’s decision to medically or surgically transition and that there are limits to a child’s understanding and what they effectively consent to.
“This has led to our view that medical practitioners who assess children as being suitable for transition and/or who initially prescribe cross-sex hormones are at a heightened risk of receiving claims.”
ABC News
In other words, they’re going to get their arses sued off, and the insurers want no part of it.
Speed the day the well-deserved comeuppance comes for these deranged ideologues.