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No Dignity or Honesty in Parliament

Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

I’m starting to wonder what the hell is going on! We have a Government which has total control of Parliament with the power to immediately close down any debate that may expose its dishonesty, deceit or just plain incompetence. It has a Speaker whose lack of impartiality demonstrates just how contaminated the environment has become. When Ardern was asked by Collins, “Was it misleading for the Government to tell Kiwis we’re at the front of the queue for the vaccine?”, Ardern replied, “No!” Apparently, misleading is not lying.

A vote of “no confidence” in the Speaker, put forward by National, was immediately quashed by Labour. Both these issues are very serious and required debate. The Speaker has the protection of Labour and Labour is protected by the Speaker. And the most debated issue of the day? What to wear around your damn neck in Parliament!

Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

Parliament was once a place where dignity had status. It was once an establishment where those who had the privilege of representing their constituents took their roles seriously. It has now descended into a coliseum of clowns.

Ardern in her pursuit of fame has lost control of reality. Profile over proficiency, exposure over expediency and dishonesty over ethics. If ever the office of PM has been devalued it is through the appointment of Ardern. To have such an inexperienced and clueless leader could never end well. I believe the chickens are coming home to roost.

This year, hopefully, there will be no calamities to divert attention from the appalling mismanagement of our fiscal wellbeing. Statistics only tell you what the Government wants to portray. I believe at least half the population is relying on Government subsidies and support.

Unemployment is easy to control if the Government is paying the wages. Homelessness is easily reduced if the Government houses and pays for their motel accommodation. The focus of building affordable housing is geared towards those who get to live in state-owned apartments heavily subsidised by the State.

There are no houses, just towering blocks designed to accommodate as many losers per square inch as the Government can recruit. All this on borrowed money, a massive loan secured by us, the filthy capitalists. In fact, the grubby hands of socialism are expanding at an alarming rate. Ardern’s fanciful ideology is systematically destroying our country. But what else would you expect with a parliament full of incompetent, lazy, egotistical deadbeats whose income has only ever been provided by the State? Maori activists, always predatory, know weakness when they see it and are taking full advantage. Ardern’s scared stiff of them.

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