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No Exemptions, from a Heartless MOH

Vaccine Roulette. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.



I am a hospital specialist who is grudgingly double-jabbed with the mRNA shot. I was coerced into it by our draconian Labour Government under threat of losing my job and income. I had two shots late last year, and that was ‘the deal’ at the time – a third so-called ‘booster’ was never part of the social contract I grudgingly entered into.

Now there is a mandate that I have a third shot when the evidence worldwide is that Pfizer’s mRNA jab has very little effect against omicron. Other countries are dropping mandates and opening up. Yet the Government pushes on with this insanity.

I am middle-aged and had some significant cardiac side effects after the second jab – feeling breathless for 6 weeks, sudden short sharp chest pains, and runs of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat). I have seen my GP, who is a believer in the ‘vaccines’, and I am in the process of checking this out. Yet I know I would never be granted an exemption by the Ministry of Health.

Exemption. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. the BFD.

How do I know this? I am aware of a woman much younger than me who is incapacitated by myocarditis following her second jab and cannot work as a nurse. ACC will not accept this as a treatment injury (which it clearly is) and despite her cardiologist applying for her to have an exemption, the MoH has declined, insisting she must have a booster to return to work.

In my judgment, we have moved way past the point of giving the Government the benefit of the doubt. So much is now known from overseas experience that it is very clear that mRNA vaccines cause harm to some, have increased ‘all cause mortality’ overseas and do not meaningfully protect against omicron.

So for our government to push on with insisting this poor young woman has a third jab is, to me, criminal.

With what is clearly known now from overseas experience, this Labour Government, ACC and this director-general of health are deliberately and inexcusably acting against the interests of the people of New Zealand.

To decline someone with such a terrible outcome an exemption and, worse, to insist she has a booster, is the stuff of evil. It brings into question what the true agenda is behind the ongoing insistence on more and more jabs. One can only draw the conclusion that this Government is following overseas instructions and is prepared to cause harm to its own people.

Also, my medical colleagues depress me. A small few are awake, reading the latest data from overseas, and question what is happening. But 95% of my colleagues are toeing the line; they have forgotten that science requires constant questioning and re-evaluation, and continue to embrace this madness.

Last year’s conspiracy theory is this year’s truth but they are stuck in 2020 and cannot or will not open their eyes.

In contrast, every week I meet patients who are builders, farmers, and workers, trying to get on with it. They question the narrative, can see through Ardern and Bloomfield, Hipkins and Little. They are aware of what is happening worldwide. Frankly, these lay people, ordinary intelligent questioning New Zealanders, put my medical colleagues to shame, but they give me hope.

We have to fight the mandates, challenge the Government and never give up. This madness, this evil, has to stop.


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