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No Mask No Food Says Countdown

Charles Wright

I have an anxiety disorder, and I can’t breathe while wearing a mask (I start to panic). I know it’s irrational, but at the same time, I can’t help it.

Many months ago now, I asked the Ministry of Health what to do, and they pointed out that there is such a thing as an exemption.

So, I contacted the Health Line. They took my details and texted me a link to a face mask exemption card. It’s essentially a PDF file from the Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA) website that you can download.

I was so happy that there was such a thing! I printed it and added a lanyard to it, so I could carry it around my neck.

(Technically speaking you don’t need a card, but it’s nice to have something you can show to people)

Okay, so fast forward to the “delta” outbreak. I needed to buy groceries, so this was the first real test of my card.

I waited for the queue to be gone, and I approached the door person of the local Countdown supermarket. I showed him the card and explained that I had a health condition, and could not wear a mask. He looked confused, and we spoke about it, and then he asked if I had a letter from my doctor or some kind of proof. I said I didn’t have a letter, but I did show him my Diazepam pills with the container clearly saying “for anxiety”. He then said he had to talk to the store manager. So that went on for a while, but then he came back with the same request, e.g. a letter from my doctor.

Long story short, I was denied access to the supermarket! No food.

Pickup and delivery were fully booked at that time.

I couldn’t believe it. This was at the same time as videos in France showed people without proof of vaccination were being refused access to the supermarket, so I was already super stressed about it all (that’s what anxiety does). All sorts of thoughts went through my head.

The door person was really apologetic, and in the end, offered to do my groceries for me. That was really nice actually, but not something I can do every week of course. It wasn’t his fault. He was just following the rules that were set by management.

Anyway, I emailed Chris Hipkins, and his team reassured me that I didn’t need to wear a mask and that a letter from the doctor is not necessary. In fact, my doctor says she can’t even write something like that, because it would contain confidential information about my health condition.

I also briefly spoke with the police, and they said it’s up to individual stores how they deal with face masks.

It is my opinion that the mask mandate is here to stay, and I have grown increasingly frustrated with the so-called “experts” that can only think about adding more and more restrictions without ever fully considering what that means for people.

To those that say “We follow the science”, I just want to say we should also look at the damage “the science” does to people mentally. And maybe have some compassion towards people that can’t wear a mask.

Being denied access to food is a very sobering experience, and I don’t wish it on anyone.

For those who are struggling with this also, don’t lose hope!

“This too shall pass”.


World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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