As I wrote recently, political correctness is a Muslim terrorist’s greatest ally. Political correctness has led to the ridiculous demonisation of so-called “racial profiling”.
The idea that police can profile criminal behaviour with expert precision is mostly a television fiction — the reality is a little more complicated, but it’s clear that statistically generated profiles solved over 260% more crimes.
But, somehow, we’re supposed to believe that profiling falls apart the instant the offender is brown-skinned.
In the case of 9/11, this mindset almost certainly prevented at least the ringleader being stopped before he even boarded a plane. But the guard mentally corrected himself for “profiling” what his every instinct was screaming was a terrorist. Three thousand people died because political correctness stopped the crime from being prevented.
Political correctness is also the immigrant rapist’s best friend.
Political correctness led police, social workers and politicians to turn a blind eye to decades-long, industrial-scale rape of white and Sikh British children by organised gangs of Pakistani Muslims.
Then it was Sweden’s turn.
Sweden has seen an upward trend in the rape statistics for a long time now. Actually, not even an upward trend. More like an absolute skyrocket in the worst way possible.
In the year of 1975, Sweden had 421 reported rapes for the whole year. Fast forward to 2021 and that same number has gone up to a shocking 9 668.
That’s an increase of over 2200% in 46 years! That is a catastrophe.
You would think this would be all over the news, yet it is not. Not even in Sweden is this being talked about as much as it should.
Peter Sweden
Politically-correct apologists try to claim that “Sweden has a stricter definition of rape”. That may be so, but it doesn’t change the fact that rape has exploded catastrophically in Sweden.
Is it purely coincidental that Sweden’s rape crisis has occurred in tandem with similarly spiralling rape rates in other European countries? A paper in the journal Forensic Sciences Research found similar trends in, among others, Switzerland, Norway, Finland and Denmark.
The answer was made brutally clear on New Year’s Eve, 2015. Mass rape attacks, apparently coordinated on social media, were perpetrated across Europe. The most notorious was in Cologne, where at least 1,000 women were subjected to horrifying sexual attacks, but similar attacks were staged right across northern Europe.
Yet German police tried to hush the whole thing up for days. Why?
Because the attackers were identified as almost exclusively Middle-Eastern and North African men. “Migrants”, in a word.
Sweden’s rape crisis appears to be a direct outcome of not just Angela Merkel’s insane decision to throw Europe’s borders wide to millions of illegal immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East, almost all of them single young men, but Sweden’s own, politically-correct obsession with “refugees welcome”.
But the political correctness didn’t end with that outburst of insane virtue-signalling. As in Cologne, as on 9/11, political correctness dictated that police turn a blind eye to the rapists the country had invited in.
An article in Aftonbladet, Sweden’s largest tabloid, argued that it was racist to point out that the perpetrators in Cologne had been described as North African or Arab, since German men had carried out sexual assaults during Bavaria’s Oktober-fest. Another Aftonbladet article said that reporting on the Cologne attacks was bowing to right-wing extremism. Over the last week, we have been told over and over that the real issue is men, not any particular culture — that Swedish men are no better.
This is a blatant lie.
According to internal police reports the groups were ‘so-called refugee youths primarily from Afghanistan’. The youngest of the victims was 12 years old.
The Spectator
This isn’t just a “racist” copper’s opinion. The facts back them up.
In a recent issue of the journal Forensic Sciences Research, they published a paper on “Swedish rape offenders”, in which they analyse the characteristics of individuals between 15-60 years old who were convicted of “rape+” against women in Sweden between 2000 and 2015. The term “rape+” here refers to both acts of rape and attempted rape, including aggravated cases.
The researchers found that just over 40% of the offenders were Swedish-born with Swedish parents. Before the apologists shout, “Aha!”, bear in mind that Sweden is, well, Swedish. Or at least, mostly still is. Middle-Eastern and North African-born people are just 4.9% of Sweden’s population.
Foreign-born individuals from Africa and the Middle-East are 4.7 times more likely to be convicted of rape+ than native Swedes.
Political correctness is the “migrant” rapist’s best friend.