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No One Seems to Care about Women’s Health

Photo supplied. The BFD.

Guy Hatchard


Dr Guy Hatchard is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. His published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data.

Florida authorities have ceased offering mRNA vaccines to young males aged 18-39, citing the risk of myocarditis. A few countries, notably in Scandinavia, have clarified their pre-vaccination advice to young men and urged a degree of caution. Florida has copped a lot of flack over its precautionary decision, and the CDC is counter-advising everyone to go ahead and boost regardless.

The risk of myocarditis for women has been found to be only slightly less (and curiously, in at least one study higher). However, women are still being advised in most jurisdictions they should take the jab—sure, it’s safe for women, it must be. Women also face additional risks. Risks connected to fertility, pregnancy, stillbirth, and breastfeeding (see here also). Indicative data on these appears to have been brushed over, hidden, or simply ignored.

In fact, reliable V-safe data shows that more women than men reported injuries after Covid vaccination. Women seem to have more difficulty persuading medical officials to take their issues seriously.

Photo supplied. The BFD.

This points to lopsided ideas about risk. Are women’s lives perceived to be worth less? The misogyny involved might have escaped your notice until now, but questions about the morality of biotech medical risk assessment, in general, have probably occupied your thoughts from time to time during the pandemic.

I’m not going to use the term myocarditis, preferring now to say it how it is—heart disease—with all the normally associated life-shortening risks and the requirement for a lifetime of caution, moderation, monitoring, and treatment.

The post-vaccination risk of developing heart disease is not just very high; it is unprecedented.

People are falling ill and dropping dead because of it in numbers never seen before, including women.

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Covid Hysteria is Being Used as an Antidote to Protest

To counter voices urging caution, the pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, governments, and MSM have curated Covid hysteria—an irrational fear of Covid. Now that the data is becoming even more clear about the huge risks of the jab, they can’t stop, nor apparently does hardly anyone want to. It is difficult to escape the notion that there is a bunker mentality and a tinge of madness involved.

Last Friday, Purolator, the Canadian courier system 91% owned by Canada Post, terminated all its unvaccinated employees. Trudeau meanwhile, like Ardern feels that “using protest to demand changes to public policy is something I think worrisome”. In Canada, being concerned that you have been fired for avoiding a potentially life-threatening medical intervention is good cause for Trudeau to label you “misogynist and racist”; asking why “do we tolerate these people?” Short answer: they don’t tolerate the unvaccinated in Canada, they persecute them.

Is Biotechnology Worth All the Sudden Unexpected Deaths?

You don’t need me to answer this silly question, but it does actually require some thought to find out why we need to ask it. Have you noticed that aside from being dangerous and ineffective, biotechnology is incredibly expensive?

Most highly vaccinated nations are going broke. In the UK, incredibly rich Rishi Sunak has raised the pension age to 68 and reinstituted austerity into the foreseeable future. Here in NZ, the pandemic has cost $75 billion, which is about twice the annual health budget of our little island nation. It is all printed or borrowed money, and the piper will have to be paid sooner or later.

This giant expenditure has had no real measurable results except misery, poverty, and continuing spread of ill health. Health systems around the world are collapsing under the weight of untreated patients. All-cause mortality is at record levels.

Contrast this with the cost of natural immunity, it’s free, and it works. Get a bit of exposure to sunshine, eat healthily, exercise regularly, and avoid unhealthy habits like smoking, excess hard fats, ultra-processed foods, and fizzy drinks. Studies show that your risk of serious Covid illness will fall by 70%.

Biotech Foods Pose Risks to Health and the Environment Despite Claims to the Contrary

Don’t be taken in by the wave of synthetic foods and additives appearing on supermarket shelves. Two weeks ago, the FDA declared lab-grown chicken meat developed by Berkeley, California-based food-tech firm Upside Foods as safe for human consumption. The associated commercial hype is promising an abundant, safe, tasty alternative to meat, but the reality is a world away.

So far, Upside Foods, which used to be called Memphis Meats, has attracted a billion dollars of investment and interest from figures and entities such as Cargill, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Kimbal Musk, brother of Elon Musk and co-founder of The Kitchen, “a growing family of businesses that pursues an America where everyone has access to real food,” and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Synthetic meat is not going to come cheap. Its production in giant bioreactors is energy hungry (nor is it going to reduce greenhouse gases). The process of cloning meat involves using a mixture of bovine serum (most likely from fetal calves found in cows being slaughtered) and enzymes from the pancreas and intestines of animals. The process also uses engineered genes to promote the continuous growth of the cells.

This is disturbing in that it is likely that the genes being manipulated can promote cancers.

Bioreactors used to make synthetic foods typically suffer from an accumulation of toxic byproducts. Eventually, the leftover toxic genetic sludge has to be dumped somewhere.

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Nature Really Does Know How to Organise Better Than Man

Give real chickens a go. They’re inexpensive, and they work. Chickens convert sunlight into meat and eggs very efficiently. You don’t need to be a highly-paid Ph.D. in biotechnology or own a giant bioreactor. A homemade coup and run in your backyard is sufficient. Your power bill will remain the same. Chickens reproduce without the need for genetic accelerants. Their waste doesn’t pose a problem for the environment, and it will fertilise your garden. Ditto for vegetables.

Yet Upside Foods will have you think otherwise. They are happy to play upon ignorance and prejudice. Before you know it, they will have you eating a questionable meat substitute while thinking you are saving the world. You are not, you are harming it and mortgaging your future, and that of your children.

The Reality of Biotechnology is a Lot Different, It’s Frightening

All over the world, the Covid Industrial Complex has been hiding adverse reactions, reaping huge profits, and covering its tracks whilst spinning lies about a non-existent bright future:

The authoritative UK Daily Telegraph leads with “ Top virologists betrayed science with their Covid lab leak cover-up.” Yet gain of function experimentation which caused the pandemic is ongoing.

In a seven hour sealed deposition and in a farewell address from the White House, Dr. Fauci, on the eve of his retirement, was still insisting that mRNA vaccines stop the spread of coronavirus and that lockdowns really work.

Widespread public protests in China indicate that mandated jabs plus lockdowns are a road to social deprivation and the consequent unprecedented civil unrest.

Pandemic policy has left us bankrupt, anxious, and controlled by a medical/pharmaceutical elite. Human life has been devalued. Despite the almost universal vaccination, we are still suffering from waves of Covid illness with no end in sight. There is no wayback machine that comes with biotechnology.

Call for an end to biotechnology experimentation now, before it is too late.

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