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The “climate crisis” crowd have been notably silent, ever since the Xi Plague broke out. It’s a bit hard, after all, to stage attention-seeking tanties like glueing yourself to the road when the country is in lockdown. Apparently it took a real crisis to silence the incessant yammering of the media climate cult, too.

But, just to prove there’s no show without Punch, at least one mob of “progressive” vultures are all over the COVID-19 pandemic like viruses on a bat.

About 65 refugees detained in a Melbourne hotel launched a daily protest against their incarceration during the pandemic.

Of course, they did. There’s nothing these grifters won’t stoop to in order to force their way into Australia. It’s telling that their spokesman is one of the dozens who wormed their way off Manus during the “Medevac” debacle.

Afghan refugee Hakeem Kakar is among the men in Brisbane brought to Australia for medical treatment[…]

“We should be free, we should be released in the community for self-solation. This is not self-isolation,” Mr Kakar said.

“They are closing the clubs, the bars, the pubs, the gyms, everything… but what about here? We are like some kind of animals?”

Well, you were nicely isolated, back in Manus. Maybe go back there?

A guard who worked at the Brisbane hotel has tested positive for Covid-19[…]

Security firm Serco told SBS News the guard had not been in contact with any refugees for 11 days prior to diagnosis.

But Mr Kakar said some of the refugees had symptoms yet were told they could not be tested.

“I have some friends here, they’re coughing and some of them have fever,” he said.

Hmm. Just like they had “stomach pains” that supposedly needed urgent treatment in Australia…yet, they refused examination or treatment the instant they landed here.

Naturally, the same kind of professional idiots who were responsible for the Medevac farce have to have their two-cents worth.

The Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases and the Australian College of Infection Prevention and Control have backed the refugees’ call for release.

In a joint statement, the peak professional bodies said the refugees should be placed in the community.

Thankfully, the government is standing firm.

But the government told SBS News it would not release prisoners from immigration detention.

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