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No Precautionary Principle for You, Ladies

South Park. The BFD.

“Progressives” are very big on the so-called “Precautionary Principle” – when it suits them.

When they want to shut down a mining development, because it might endanger some previously-unknown species of obscure earthworm, why, it’s “precautionary principle!” screamed to the rooftops. On the other hand, when progressives assert that there’s not the slightest risk to women’s safety by allowing a brick shithouse wearing some lippy and a frock to smash girls into the ground on the rugby oval, the “precautionary principle” goes right out the window.

It’s up to Sport Australia and other agencies championing the entry of male-bodied transgender players into female sport to prove it will be safe and fair for women or put it on hold, says internationally renowned sports scientist and World Rugby consultant Ross Tucker.

He was responding to a claim by the Australian Institute of Sport’s chief medical officer David Hughes that there is not yet good enough science on the likelihood of injury to justify World Rugby’s decision to exclude male-bodied transwomen as an unacceptable risk in the women’s game.

As Dr Tucker says, claiming without evidence that it’s perfectly safe for hulking brutes to tuck their wangs between their legs and play dangerous contact sports against women half their size, and then demanding that critics prove it’s not, is a reversal of the burden of proof. It’s also yet more proof, if any were needed, that biological facts are a long second to hurty-feelings in the “transgender” debate.

“We should not be including (biological males who identify as female) into women’s sport, and then seeking a way to prove that they don’t belong. That to me is totally upside down.”

Last month World Rugby became the first international federation to oppose transwomen in the female game, based on injury predictions and studies showing that drugs to suppress testosterone in line with IOC rules leave intact most of their male body’s physical advantages.

Citing the 49 scientific studies relied on by World Rugby, Tasmanian Liberal Senator Claire Chandler has called for urgent revision of the 2019 pro-trans inclusion guideline issued by the peak government agency Sport Australia and the human rights commission. Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins objected it was “too early in the piece” to review the guideline drawn up with unnamed groups in secret.

In October, eight major sports in Australia including rugby, AFL, netball and hockey signed up to a pro-trans inclusion statement with the group Pride in Sport Australia, which supports purely self-declared trans rights with no medical requirements and opposes any controls on testosterone levels for transwomen in female sport.

So, let’s just wait until the quadriplegic wards are filled with young women athletes, while the podiums are dominated by ripped young men in dresses. Maybe then you stupid women will have learned to shut your mouths and suck up the broken limbs.

South Park. The BFD.

Face it, ladies: this is a man’s world. A man’s world for men who pretend that they’re women.

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