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No Skin in the Game

Who cares what a Hollywood actor has to say about a place in Tasmania he’d never bother even visiting.

Now we’ll never get the smell out of the fish. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Once again, Tasmanians are being made the whipping boys for environmental activists with no skin in the game. It’s a long way from the harbourside mansions of inner Sydney to Strahan, but somehow wealthy lefties who wouldn’t know a Maugean skate if it was served up to them with blistered tomato and sherry vinaigrette are poised to shut down Tasmania’s salmon farming industry. And what business is any of it of a multimillionaire Hollywood actor?

Tanya Plibersek has suffered a ­significant drop in support in her electorate, while most of her constituents back potentially removing salmon farms from Tasmania’s Macquarie Harbour, contrary to new government legislation.

These are key findings of polling in the Environment Minister’s Sydney seat, obtained by the Australian, suggesting Ms Plibersek will pay a political price for this week backing in the Prime Minister’s pro-salmon industry laws.

So, some of the wealthiest people in the country, whose only contact with the natural environment is their multi-million-dollar harbour view (unspoiled by a single wind turbine, of course), are dictating to the people of a tiny fishing hamlet on Tasmania’s remote west coast? One of the few profitable industries that hasn’t already been shut down by the greenies has to go under to save a millionaire politician’s job?

All for the sake of a glorified stingray that no one has even heard of until it became useful for anti-business green activists?

And who cares what the fuck a dirty old man from Hollywood has to say?

A prominent conservation lawyer meanwhile claimed the legislation was wide open to legal challenge, as Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio added his voice to calls for it to be voted down […]

The environmentalist said there was “an opportunity to shut down destructive industrial non-native salmon farms, protecting the Maugean skate” in a “shallow estuary off the Tasmanian coast (that) is one of the most important places in the world”.

As if he’d even know it if his private jet flew over it.

When this ultra-wealthy Lothario gives up his private jets, yachts, fleets of cars and string of mansions around the world, then maybe I’ll give a shit what he says about ‘the environment’.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young held up a “rotten, stinking” dead salmon in the ­Senate.

Great, now we’ll never get the smell out of the fish.

But are wealthy Sydneysiders really sitting up late at night sweating over the fate of a fish?

Ucomms polling of 860 voters in Ms Plibersek’s electorate shows 61 per cent back removing salmon farms in Macquarie Harbour if necessary to save an endangered skate from extinction.

A whole 860 people? Out of 125,000 electors in Sydney?

Plibbers certainly isn’t buying it.

“If The Australia Institute wants to spend donor funds on push polling for the Greens party, it’s no wonder people don’t take them seriously anymore” […]

“I’ve been out in my community talking about lower taxes for every taxpayer, higher wages, investing in women’s health, strong action on climate and the environment, cutting uni debt, record funding for schools and Medicare – and the feedback is that it’s exactly what they want their government to be focused on,” she said.

Tasmanians in particular are sick of this bullshit. Any time a profitable industry gets up and running in this state, a few tilty-head greens recruit an army Mainland activists to shut it down.

Oddly enough, they clutch their pearls over a fish they’ve never heard of until last week, but are utterly silent as wind farms slaughter dozens of endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles. Funny about that.

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