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Norway Says Not So Fast on ‘3rd Gender’

Image credit The BFD.

The Scandinavian countries have long been the poster-children of the “progressive” left. Mostly because of the mistaken belief of the likes of Bernie Sanders that Scandinavian countries are “socialist”. This isn’t true, of course, as the then-PM of Denmark, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, patiently explained to a Harvard audience in 2015.

I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.

It is true, of course, that Scandinavian countries have often been dangerously gullible when it comes to other “progressive” nostrums, most notably Multiculturalism. Still, some are learning, much to the left’s dismay. Denmark is waking up to the fatal incompatibility of Islam with liberal democracy. Sweden is learning in the most brutal way that mass Muslim migration is incompatible with gay and women’s rights. Sweden famously rejected the Covidian panic and reaped the benefits.

Now Norway is resisting the onslaught of “gender” nonsense.

The Norwegian politicians debated the question of introducing a legal gender category on Thursday. Earlier, the Liberal Party had presented a proposal that would enable people to change their legal gender to something different from male and female. The bill also included ideas for better treatment for people with gender dysphoria, Dagen wrote last week. Even though the government investigation is still ongoing at the moment, the proposal of the Liberal Party forced the Parliament to decide on the issue earlier.

Because, of course, they did. Just as with gay marriage, the last thing the activists want is a reasoned, cautious debate. Either they get their way or they throw endless tantrums.

Yet, the majority of the Storting does not want to hasten the final decision on a third gender. The Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Centre Party, the Progress Party, the Christian People’s Party and Patient Focus say no to a third gender while the government’s investigation is pending.

At least one party is opting to believe genuine biological science.

The Christian Democrats are the only party that will say no to a third gender, regardless of the outcome of the investigation. “I think it is logical to assign gender categories according to biology. We should not undermine the fact that there are people who do not recognise themselves in those categories. Still, we have to find solutions within the current structures”, Christian Democrat leader Hadle Rasmus Bjuland says.

He warns against progressing with gender treatment without knowing the consequences of this. “These are questions that should be treated with care and caution. Those who will use the offer deserve that.” In addition, he does not think decentralising the treatment is a good idea, as it will lead to differences in treatment depending on which clinic people go to.

Unfortunately, as they are wont to do, the Germans are prey to any ludicrous ideology.

In 2018, the German government approved a third gender option for official records, allowing people to be registered as “diverse.” The law already allowed for gender to be left blank.

CNE News

We’ve had over a century to learn not to jump in the deep end with Germany, though. Rule of thumb: if Germany falls for an ideological fad, best to hold back from it.


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