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“Leave the kids alone”, indeed. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Remember when the gay rights movement was all about just leaving consenting adults alone in their own bedrooms? Somewhere along the line that’s morphed into, ‘Watch us fist each other in the streets and give us your children, bigots.’

Of course, right from the start there was a seedy, paedophilic underbelly to the gay rights movement. Marching right along with the flouncing pooves and stumping bull-dykes were a bunch of slimy rockspiders, waving their NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) banner. Leading lights of the New Left were openly campaigning to abolish the age of consent. Gay rights activists were arguing that paedophilia was the next barrier to be torn down in the sexual revolution.

The pro-pedophile movement has been lurking on the fringes of the sexual liberation movement for decades.

They were banished to the shadows for a while, but now they’re back, out and proud.

In case anyone missed the nexus between today’s version of “Pride” and paedophilia activism, “WorldPride” in Sydney were determined to make it loud and proud and unambiguous.

So, they put up a massive street mural of a near-naked man in bondage gear and with a teddy bear for a head.

Groomers get a billboard. The BFD.

Nobody could miss the sleazy symbolism. It was only a couple of months ago that fashion house Balenciaga drew worldwide condemnation for a photo-spread featuring children holding bondage-themed teddy bears, as well as other paedophilia-themed messages. The teddy bear head also seems to be a reference to internet meme “Pedobear”.

Certainly, its message didn’t go unnoticed by a great many Sydneysiders.

It was created to promote the consortium of local shops in nearby streets, but some Sydneysiders have since labelled it as “disgusting”, “sick” and “extremely inappropriate” for children.

“Where the hell do we draw the line here?” one critic questioned.

“This is extremely inappropriate (especially for children seeing this) to say the least. I don’t care how much time, effort or money went into making this mural. I don’t see pride and acceptance here, it’s grooming.”

Another added: “Absolutely disgusting that you think this is okay to have in a public space where children walk by. Nothing to do with pride either. How embarrassing and shameful.”

Among the comments from angered locals on a video of the mural being created was calls to remove the painting with one mum going an extra step further suggesting someone should “paint over” it.

To the outrage of the Pride groomers, someone did just that.

“Leave the kids alone,” indeed. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
White paint appears to be splashed over the top of the bear’s face while black paint appears to cover the leather bondage on its body.

The words “leave the kids alone” are also scrawled on the side.

The offended groomers immediately called the police, but even a great many of the gay community were appalled that the mural had ever gone up in the first place.

“As a gay guy, I’m disappointed in this advertisement. There’s kids everywhere, that would definitely traumatise me as a child … It’s for Mardi Gras, marketing fail in my opinion,” one man said.

“This guy is literally wearing BDSM leather … as another gay guy this ad is f****d and needs to be removed,” another added.


But will no one think of the Minor Attracted Person community?

Clearly, Sydney council did.


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