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Not All Sunshine and Light at the Collective

Which orange is more annoying? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Ah, the Race Card: is there anything it can’t do? Why take responsibility, when you can just blame it on “colonialism”?

BFD readers will be grimly familiar with the routine: Bro goes the bash on his missus and kids. “Oh, but, yer Honour, it’s the ongoing impact of colonisation!” Ram-raid gang smashes a shop and stabs the shopkeeper. “It wuz the intergenerational trauma of racism wot dunnit, honest!”

Just like “a wizard did it!”, there’s no end of appalling behaviour that the mendacious race-grifters can’t excuse away with “racism”.

ABC management investigated a public bullying incident involving Indigenous presenter Stan Grant and a senior ABC colleague, which occurred in the foyer of the broadcaster’s Ultimo headquarters in full view of witnesses.

Stan Grant, you may remember, threw an epic sulking fit after criticism of his frankly nasty, divisive coverage of the coronation of King Charles III, which resulted in an avalanche of complaints.

In a piece published by the ABC on May 19, Grant complained about a lack of support he received in the face of public criticism, saying no one at the ABC had “uttered one word of public support” in the wake of criticism of the coronation broadcast.

Staff walked out of the ABC newsroom three days later when Grant revealed he had been subject to online abuse.

Abuse, eh?

Documents obtained by The Australian using the Freedom of Information Act reveal a complaint was lodged about Grant in the days after he allegedly erupted in a lengthy, expletive-laden tirade against the female ABC staff member.

Grant allegedly shouted at the woman, a longstanding colleague, for several minutes in front of dozens of ABC staff after she approached him with a question concerning production of a show […]

Despite full knowledge of the alleged outburst, ABC management put Grant to air that evening to lead the live discussion panel.

Apparently the matter was serious enough that the complainant could well have called the lawyers in.

The documents state the ABC was advised of a “prospect of litigation” concerning the complaint. The Australian is not suggesting Grant committed any wrongdoing, only that a complaint was lodged and investigated. He did not respond to questions and has since left his role at the broadcaster; the woman allegedly involved in the matter – whom The Australian is not naming – remains on staff and did not respond to a request for comment.

The Australian understands the staff member involved did not make the formal complaint to management. Specific details about the incident were redacted in nine pages of documents – from a total of 14 – which include correspondence between Grant and the ABC’s head of news, Justin Stevens, who conducted inquiries.

The inquiries were made between February 3 and March 3, although what management action was ultimately taken against Grant remains unclear.

We can always rely on the ABC collective to instinctively close ranks.

On February 22, nearly a month after the alleged incident, the ABC revealed Grant would be replaced [as host of China Tonight] by ABC business reporter Samuel Yang and comedian Annie Louey.

Grant fronted Q+A until May but stepped down after he came under fire for his role on the ABC’s broadcast of the coronation of King Charles III. Last week he announced he had resigned from the ABC weeks ago.

All the while whining about “racism”, of course.

Stevens, who managed the complaint against Grant, said the television host had faced a tirade of criticism “particularly in the usual sections of the media that target the ABC”.

“Clearly, Stan felt let down by the fact I wasn’t out there and the ABC wasn’t out there publicly defending him in recent weeks,” he said. “I feel devastated that he feels let down by us.”

The Australian

One can only imagine how the women at the ABC must feel.

But, then, we can be forgiven for suspecting that the real reason the left bleat about “toxic masculinity” all the time is because they judge everyone else by the men they surround themselves with.
