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Not the Answer They Wanted: Whites Aren’t the Haters After All

Some years back, a couple of British feminist Labour MPs commissioned a report into “sexist hate-speech” on Twitter.

Somewhat to the embarrassment of the MPs who wanted to “Reclaim the Internet” for women, the study actually found that more than half of the abusive tweets aimed at women…came from women. Considering that there are more than twice as many male Twitter users as female, that means that women are more than twice as likely to bully other women on Twitter than men are.

Another analysis of so-called “hate speech” on social media has found a similarly inconvenient fact: minorities are way more hateful than whites.

Researchers from the University of Cornell discovered that artificial intelligence systems designed to identify offensive “hate speech” flag comments purportedly made by minorities “at substantially higher rates” than remarks made by whites.

Several universities maintain artificial intelligence systems designed to monitor social media websites and report users who post “hate speech.” In a study published in May, researchers at Cornell discovered that systems “flag” tweets that likely come from black social media users more often, according to Campus Reform.

The study’s authors found that, according to the AI systems’ definition of abusive speech, “tweets written in African-American English are abusive at substantially higher rates.”

The study also revealed that “black-aligned tweets” are “sexist at almost twice the rate of white-aligned tweets.”

Oh, dear. That wasn’t supposed to happen. How to explain away such an inconvenient scientific discovery?

Blame white people, of course.

The research team averred that the unexpected findings could be explained by “systematic racial bias” displayed by the human beings who assisted in spotting offensive content […]

One of the study’s authors said that “internal biases” may be to blame for why “we may see language written in what linguists consider African American English and be more likely to think that it’s something that is offensive.”

Or, it may be that their beloved minorities are just more likely to be hatey ol’ hate-speakers. And we all know where hate speech leads – just ask Jacinda Ardern.

Which, come to think of it, might also explain why blacks are far more likely to be mass shooters than whites.
