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Nothing ‘Fake’ About Parents’ Anger

Parents across America are fighting back against the Long March. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Barack Obama is the epitome of the modern “liberal”: a sneering, privileged elitist, forever heaping disdain on the working-classes.

When Hillary Clinton effectively destroyed her presidential hopes by deriding ordinary Americans as “deplorables”, she was merely echoing her former boss. In 2008, Obama jeered at rust-belt, working-class voters as “bitter clingers”. Ironically enough, Clinton at the time attacked her then-primary rival as “elitist and out of touch”.

She was right of course — even though, as her own 2016 comments showed, she was cut from the same elitist cloth.

Once again, though, Obama is curling his lip at middle America, this time for their supposedly “fake outrage” over the rape of a girl in a school bathroom by a “transgender” student, and the subsequent attempts by the school to cover it up.

When her father — whose outrage was anything but fake — blew up at a board meeting, he was arrested.

The National School Boards Association then asked for the weight of the federal government to be brought down on “domestic terrorists” like him, and Attorney General Merrick Garland complied, directing the FBI to investigate “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation’s public schools.”

You want see a “serious problem” affecting “serious people”? Look no further than at actions like these.
This is not just a culture war — it’s a war on parents.

Marxism, the dominant ideology of the left, has always had it in for parents. After all, the family is the strongest defence against the all-powerful cult of the state. It’s why totalitarian ideologies like Marxism and its mirror-twin Fascism have always been so determined to destroy the family as the basic unit of a society. It’s why the Communists either forced parents to abandon their children to the “care” of state-run creches or forced dozens of unrelated people to cram cheek-by-jowl in crummy housing projects.

It’s also notable which side Obama chooses to dismiss as “phony” and “trumped-up”. He never criticises the pronoun and gender-obsessives. He’s silent while Cancel Culture mobs try to destroy anyone who refuses to parrot their dogmas.

There’s a war on, for sure — and Obama is the general of one side.

Culture wars are important because culture matters. Who we are as a country matters. What we teach our kids at school matters. No one is pretending these things matter; they really do. Parents are genuinely inflamed — nothing fake about it.

When Stacy Langton challenges a school board over high school textbooks containing graphic depictions of paedophilia, it wasn’t the ’80s religious right clutching their pearls over a microscopic drawing of a boob hidden in a Where’s Wally? book, it was genuine outrage. Notably, Langton was stopped by the school board because “there are children present”. Scott Smith was not “phony” about his fury at his daughter’s rape. When black parents are shocked by schools promoting Critical Race Theory and practising racial segregation, they’re not play-acting.

With the spread of critical race theory and general wokeness in schools, parents have noticed that there’s barely any time for math, science or history. It’s not just a typical right-left battle, either. A Rasmussen poll out Thursday found 76 percent of American adults are concerned that public schools may be promoting “controversial beliefs and attitudes,” including 58 percent who say they are “very concerned” […]

Parents have realized that so many of our shared values are being tossed aside at ever more radical schools. Parents didn’t choose the culture war; the culture war chose them, and they’re ready to fight back. There’s nothing “fake” about that.

New York Post

The culture wars are not some kind of side-show, either. They’re the main game. Politics, as the saying goes, is downstream from culture.
The angry parents fronting up at school board meetings are realising belatedly that schools have been subsumed by the Long March left. They’re responding with exactly the sort of grassroots activism that the left have long regarded as their sole remit.

Middle America is fighting back, and the left is not happy about it. So, they sneer and finger-wag. This time, though, parents aren’t about to be silenced by a sneer.

Parents across America are fighting back against the Long March. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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