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Now It’s Italy’s Turn To Rise Up

The backlash against transgender ideology is gathering pace. Switzerland and Hungary are refusing to endorse the dangerous nonsense of “gender neutral birth certificates” and “self identifying”. Other countries are backing away from the so-called “affirmation model” and surgically and chemically mutilating children at ever-younger ages.

Now, it’s Italy’s turn to rise up for common sense and children’s safety.

The Italian Psychoanalytic Society has written to the country’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni expressing “great concern” about the use of puberty blockers with children and calling for “rigorous scientific discussion” of youth gender problems.

The letter dated 12 January 2023 is believed to be the first time that a health professional body in Italy has put on the public record its concern about medicalised gender change for minors, according to the parents’ group Genitori de Gender.

Like most Western institutions, the health profession has been blindsided by the onslaught of transgender ideology. And terrified by the violent, witch-hunting intolerance of trans activists. But some of them, like so-called “trans-women”, are discovering that they do in fact have some balls.

The letter to Ms Meloni — who in a 2022 speech declared “yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology” — sets out several reasons why it might not be a good idea to prescribe drugs that interrupt the natural development of children.

The basic madness of gender ideology is demonstrated by the simple fact that anyone even has to explain why that’s “not a good idea”.

“The diagnosis of gender dysphoria at prepubertal age is based on the statements of the individuals concerned and cannot be subject to careful evaluation while the development of sexual identity is still in progress,” the letter says.

“Only a minority of children who state that they do not identify with their [biological] sex confirm this position in adolescence, after puberty.

“To suspend or prevent a [child’s] psychosexual development pending the maturation of a stable identity definition is contradictory to the fact that this development is a central factor in the definition process.

“Even in cases where the declared gender dysphoria in prepuberty is confirmed in adolescence, the developmental arrest [by puberty blockade] cannot result in a body that is sexually different from the original one.

Like a person who wants to believe that they are really a cat, biological reality will not be denied. Even at the cost of chemical or surgical castration.

Hormone suppression drugs, known as Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone agonists (GnRHa), were adopted for puberty blockade in the 1990s by gender clinicians in the Netherlands.

Clinicians in the Netherlands also euthanase people just for feeling a bit down. Don’t be like clinicians in the Netherlands.

Picked up by affluent countries across the Western world, the puberty blocker promise of escape from unwanted sexual development has helped drive an exponential growth in adolescent patients at gender clinics.
Remember: these are the same drugs used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Now, they’re being used to chemically mutilate children. So progressive!
However, on the limited data available, the vast majority of those who start on puberty blockers — given as young as 10 years of age — go on to cross-sex hormones. The safety and reversibility of puberty blockers is contested.

Recent systematic reviews of the medical literature have found that the evidence base for the use of puberty blocker drugs with gender-dysphoric adolescents is weak and uncertain. Since 2020 Finland, Sweden and England have issued new, more cautious policies to end the routine use of puberty blockers.

Low bone density is among the known risks of blockers, and uncertainties include the effect on development of the adolescent brain.

Gender Clinic News

Yes, but what about the hurty feelings of deranged men in dresses? Will no one think about them?


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