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Now the Left Are Pretending They Won the Referendum

Voters are making their feelings known at the ballot box. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If there’s one thing we know about the left, it’s that they never take “no” for an answer. Like the political spoiled toddlers that they are, a firm “no” only sends them off into screaming tantrums. They stamp their widdle feets and hold their widdle breafs, hoping that the adults will eventually get sick of them and give in. Because, far too often, we do.

Refusing to be told no is precisely what the Australian left are doing, after being soundly smacked on the arse at the referendum. First came the tears, tantrums and sulks.

Now, they’re starting up with the relentless nagging.

The “largest and most comprehensive survey” on the Indigenous voice to parliament has found the model put by the Albanese government was a key reason the referendum failed amid widespread support for a broader definition of constitutional recognition.

No, it failed because Australians wisely saw it for exactly what it was: a divisive, racist attempt at turning Australia into an apartheid state.

Consequently, Australians rejected the referendum in one of the most comprehensive electoral defeats in recent history. Not only did an overwhelming majority of Australians reject the referendum, but it failed in every single state. The only outlier was the insular clique of wealthy, publicly-funded leeches in the ACT.

That doesn’t stop insular Canberra ivory tower tossers from trying to spin the facts into their preferred narrative.

After tracking the views of 4200 voters since January, the Australian National University will release on Tuesday the study showing 41.5 per cent of respondents would definitely have voted Yes to recognise Indigenous ­people in the Constitution compared with 9.2 per cent who were certain they’d vote No.

That’s irrelevant, though. Because it’s not what the referendum was about. The referendum was specifically about the “Voice”.

As for “recognition”— which is what the left are clearly angling for, here — that’s still well short of a majority. In fact, it’s close to the same number that saw the Voice referendum humiliated.

In fact, when it came to a vote, it would most likely be an even more emphatic “No”.

Nearly a third (29.3 per cent) were unsure and wanted more details when asked: “If the referen­dum question was not to establish the voice to parliament but instead to recognise Indigenous people in the Constitution only, would you have voted YES or NO?”

As Australian referendum history shows, “unsure” almost invariably turns into “No” on voting day.

But the biggest lie of this leftist revisionism is garbage like this:

In a finding that doesn’t align to the result of the referendum, which was voted down 60 per cent to 40 per cent, 87 per cent of voters surveyed believed Indigenous Australians should have a voice or say over matters that affected them and 76 per cent of No voters thought they deserved a voice on key policies and political decisions.

Study co-author Nicholas Biddle said the survey showed most voters were supportive of some form of constitutional recognition for Indigenous Australians.

The Australian

No. No, it doesn’t, you mendacious, deluded clown. Exactly the same claims were made, with the same “survey results”, in the lead-up to the referendum. As we saw then, it’s all very easy to say you’ll support a vague hypothetical, quite another when you have to actually vote on cementing it into the Constitution.

As for claiming their finding “doesn’t align to the result of the referendum”, that’s an outright lie on stilts. No-one said Aboriginal Australians shouldn’t have a say over matters that affect them, or on key policies. That’s not what the referendum was about. The referendum was about enshrining racial privilege in the Constitution. The left want it, Australians rejected it.

They rejected racial privilege in the sheep’s clothing of a “Voice”, and it’s likely they’d reject it in the sheep’s clothing of “recognition”, too.

The left just will not, cannot, accept that they lost.

For proof, check a sample of the deluded headlines responding to this mendacious “study”.

“Overwhelming majority of Australians support a First Nations voice despite referendum defeat, finds ANU survey”

ABC Australia
Vast majority of voters still think First Nations Australians should have a voice

ANU Reporter
Voters still back giving Indigenous Australians a say in policy that affects them despite voice result: survey

The Guardian
Huge support for Indigenous voice despite lost vote

The New Daily

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.

And the price of resisting leftist race-baiting is eternal vigilance.
