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Now they are coming for our ANZAC day

And so it begins. Cultural and historical ANZAC commemorations are shut down. Two ANZAC day parades so far in New Zealand have been cancelled that I know of and I am sure that there will be more to come. One is the Papakura ANZAC parade. The other is the Matakana ANZAC service.

The reason given for the cancellation of one of them is the threat of “Vehicular terrorism.? Trucks of peace in other (politically incorrect) words. How long will it be before we will be like Melbourne with concrete bollards to protect us from Vehicular terrorism?

Anti-terrorism bollards in Melbourne Australia
Anzac Day services are starting to be formally cancelled as the national terrorism threat Level remains at high […]
The organiser of the service at Matakana, north of Auckland, said she was told by police this morning that the service had to be done away with.
“It’s horrendous, everyone is horrified,” organiser Adrienne Miller told 1 NEWS.
But she said she was complying with the request because she would hate it if anyone was hurt.
She said police were “insistent” and told her there was “a higher risk of vehicular terrorism” at the Matakana service.
She said police also said armed officers would feature at the Warkworth service, where people are being asked to go instead.
end quote.


I can’t imagine that the high terror threat is coming from Greenie eco-Fascists as Tarrant described himself. Why would they target an ANZAC day parade? I can’t imagine White supremacists targeting ANZACS either. I wonder where the threat could possibly be coming from?
