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Now They Are Coming for Your Kids’ Cricket Team

Cartoon by Paul Zanetti.

Over the past few years, radical transgender activists have launched a societal blitzkrieg on almost every facet of Western society. No one, no aspect of society is safe from these cross-dressing obsessives. Schools have been turned into Marxist re-education camps, women’s prisons are forced to accommodate rapists in dresses, and women trying to run small beautician businesses are being ordered to manhandle the hairy genitals of creepy groomers. Women’s private spaces, such as change rooms, toilets, even emergency shelters, are being forced to open their doors to fully-intact biological men.

No pastime or organisation is too innocent to be free of these unhinged activists: girl guides are forced to allow teenage boys to shower and bunk in with girls, and drag queens – some with child sex convictions – are invading pre-school libraries.

Now, they’re coming for your Milo Cricket.

Mums and dads who run suburban and country cricket clubs could be prosecuted under state and federal discrimination laws for failing to allow anyone who identities as female to play in a women’s team.

The warning is contained in a new Cricket Australia trans­gender policy for community cricket, which also advises local clubs to provide gender-neutral change rooms and adopt gender-neutral pronouns.

As always, when the “transgender” stormtroopers come marching in, actual women are the big losers.

Cricket Australia chief executive Kevin Roberts said the requirements struck a balance between letting transgender players participate and preserving the integrity of women’s competitions. The policy for community cricket requires only that a player declare their gender identity when they register for a competition and “demonstrate a commitment that their gender identity is consistent with their gender identity in other aspects of everyday life.”

This is just so much mendacious hogwash. The experience of biological women athletes, everywhere else this nonsense has been instituted, has been the same: mediocre male athletes put on a dress and some lippy, and proceed to grind the girls into the mud. Women’s track and field competitions in the US are becoming dominated by “trans” boys. Hulking biological male footballers are smashing the girls. When some brick shithouse in a dress strides to the crease, the result will be no different.

Not everyone is buying this rubbish, though.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has lashed a “mystifying” and “heavy handed” new policy that ensures transgender and gender-diverse people can play cricket at the highest level in Australia.

Speaking to 2GB’s Alan Jones this morning, Mr Morrison said it was “beyond him” why Cricket Australia had developed the policy.

It remains to be seen if the Morrison government is finally going to have the guts to stand up to these cross-dressing bullies.

The next ball-tampering scandal to rock Australian cricket will probably involve a wax strip instead of sandpaper.
