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Your Body My Choice. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

Co-written by Jeffrey Barnett and Eliora



Emotions are running high in New Zealand. People’s responses range from disillusioned to utter fury. Now some in the medical fraternity are saying that their patients should not have taken the mRNA Covid 19 injection as it could be highly dangerous to their health. In some cases, it could injure or kill them and in others it should not be administered because of the other prescription drugs they are on.

Most doctors and practice nurses completely ignored the fact that this injection was new, untested and potentially hazardous to health. It appears they were happy to say that it was safe and effective and to promote the jab rigorously as a solution to a deadly virus. Any hesitancy from patients fell on deaf ears.

Kathy Gyngell, the editor of the popular UK Conservative Woman blog recently wrote that Dr Aseem Malhotra, Consultant Cardiologist, was granted a hearing with four UK MPs to request the withdrawal of this vaccine.

The Pfizer vaccine needs to be suspended immediately, says Dr Malhotra.

Having reviewed the totality of the evidence, it is my duty and responsibility as a consultant cardiologist and public health campaigner to urgently inform doctors, patients and members of the public that the Covid mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant or primary role of being a primary cause of unexplained cardiac arrests, heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure since 2021.                                

Dr Malhotra

It is surely medical negligence for a person to discover they were uninformed about the risks of the vaccine and the interactions between medications. Vaccinations went ahead regardless of whether the recipient was on other medications.

Clinicians neglected to warn the public of potential reactions and/or the risk of hypertoxicity. Kiwis of all ages are now researching the risks and many are refusing to have any more jabs.

Here is one person’s experience talking with their specialist.

When I talked to my haematologist all I knew at that stage was the difference between AstraZeneca and Pfizer. I won’t go into the detail of my condition, but I was concerned that Pfizer goes through the DNA and AZ directly into the bone marrow. She said it was unlikely that AZ would be available in NZ. Her advice twice, because I am immunocompromised, was to have the vaccine, but twice during the conversation, she said it was my choice.

It was as a result of that comment that I started to research the vaccines in more detail. Because Delta was still around, I decided to have vaccines 1 and 2. Then when Omicron became the dominant strain and I was reading about the adverse effects of the vaccine, I did not have the booster.

This person was shocked to find out through their own investigation, that the current medication they are on has severe and serious interactions with many vaccines. It was therefore a major risk for them to take the Covid 19 vaccine.

The haematologist would surely have known that the vaccine had only been tested on healthy people. I did not come across this until after I had the jabs, unfortunately, as I would certainly not have made the decision to have them.

Overlooking a person’s medical history is a serious omission.

There was no testing done on drug interactions for any of the Covid vaccines, nor was there any testing done on fertility rates, neurotoxicity, cancer or as we have been recently informed by a Pfizer executive, even its effect on transmission was not assessed.

The trials completed prior to the vaccines going to market were based on statistics between the placebo and vaccine groups and +/- the antibody levels in the blood to the spike protein (note that antibodies in the blood are not able to get into the respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs) so they could never prevent transmission.

Now more people around the world are hearing from doctors that they should never have had the vaccine. Here is a speech recently given at a medical conference by an Australian Doctor.

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An excerpt,

The unsuspecting and trusting public were told by our most senior public health officials that these so-called “vaccines” were “safe and effective” without qualification. This was not only misinformation, this was reckless. It is illegal to make false & misleading therapeutic claims but our chief health officers seem to be above the law. These reckless words of assurance gave agency to employers to introduce vaccine mandates while our Prime Minister, cabinet and premiers stood by and allowed it to happen.

Dr Phillip Altman, at the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society Conference – 10/9/22

All NZ MPs were supportive of this vaccine.  Kiwis followed orders, lined up around the country in rooms, tents, maraes, with nurses often giving out incentives, food and money, with no apparent concern about the consequences or the possible clashes.

Dr Malhotra strongly warns that even healthy vaccinated people have developed cardiac conditions and sadly acknowledges that his dad died from this vaccine. He says there is potentially a catastrophic problem, and the Pfizer vaccine must be suspended immediately.

Sadly, for many, it is too late.

This is also contrary to the Medical Council of NZ’s Good prescribing practice (latest version dated March 2020). Doctors should have known that there was no safety data available for drug interactions which would be in violation of the following:

1. Make the care of patients your first concern. You should only prescribe medicines or treatment when you have adequately assessed the patient’s condition, and/or have adequate knowledge of the patient’s condition and are therefore satisfied that the medicines or treatment are in the patient’s best interests.

Questions that require answers.

How were NZ doctors able to give informed consent when safety reporting systems have been ignored by regulatory agencies and public health agencies?

How could Ardern and Bloomfield state these vaccines were ‘safe and effective’ when there was no data to support these claims?

The COVID-19 vaccines and other medication that is contraindicated.

(In medicine, a contraindication is a condition that serves as a reason not to take a certain medical treatment due to the harm that it would cause the patient).


Using COVID-19 vaccines in patients with anticoagulation and bleeding disorders for use in individuals receiving anticoagulant therapy.


Using COVID-19 vaccines in patients taking immunosuppressive medicines for use of COVID-19 vaccines in people receiving immunosuppressant therapy.
Potential interactions between C19 vaccine and antiepileptic drugs. Many may not know that vaccines could modify the metabolism of the drug in the human body.

NHS was told not to give the Covid vaccine to those with a history of allergic reactions.

Drug interactions are major challenge in comorbidity of psychiatric disorders and COVID-19 infection.
QTc prolongation is a major concern while using antiviral medications and/or Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine in combination with many psychotropics. Cardiac monitoring especially in high-risk patients is highly recommended.
Concomitant use of SSRIs with antiviral medications and/or Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine increase the risk of hypoglycaemia. Concomitant use of pimozide or midazolam with antiviral. As a result of this, the likelihood of drug- drug interaction (DDI) between psychiatric drugs and drugs used to treat COVID-19 can be a concern.
Many psychiatric drugs are metabolized via the cytochrome P450 system. Therefore, their hepatic metabolism and ability to alter activity of cytochrome P450 can lead to pharmacokinetic interactions when they are used with medications in COVID-19 treatment. Risk of toxicity or lack of efficacy may occur due to higher or lower plasma concentration of medications. Moreover, intensification of similar adverse effects might lead to patients’ harm. Psychiatric medication can be safe in combination with COVID-19 pharmacotherapy with close attention to selection of medication with the least possibility of interaction and also careful monitoring.
The interactions between psychotropics and COVID-19 drugs are mainly in two ways: first, pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions i.e. one drug alters the disposition of a co-administered agent and second, compounding of side effects (Leveque et al., 2010). Cytochrome P450 plays a key role in the metabolism of medications and their interactions (Ogu & Maxa, 2000). For example, the hepatic CYP isoenzymes, which are responsible for metabolizing the tricyclic antidepressants consisting of 2D6, 1A2, 3A4, 2C19 (Gillman, 2007). Most first- and second-generation antipsychotics are metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system mainly include 2D6, 1A2, and 3A4 (Wijesinghe, 2016). On the other hand, some Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are cytochrome P450 inhibitors and can result in DDIs by changing the blood concentration of the drugs activated or metabolized by these enzymes (Preskorn, 1997). Therefore, their hepatic metabolism and ability to alter the activity of cytochrome P450 can make pharmacokinetic interactions when they are used with medications in COVID-19 treatment.
The purpose of this review is to comprehensively explore DDIs, especially pharmacokinetic DDIs between psychotropic medications and COVID-19 medications. Also, we try to find the adverse effects and clinical issues that must be considered for combined medication regimens in psychiatry.
Specialists may advise their patients based on their knowledge and understanding of their immune status and likely immune response to vaccination but should also consider the risk from COVID-19 and the patient’s likelihood of exposure. The small number of patients (aged 5 years or above) who are about to receive planned immunosuppressive therapy should be considered for vaccination prior to commencing therapy (ideally at least two weeks before), when their immune system is better able to make a response.

Where possible, it would also be preferable for the 2-dose schedule to be completed prior to commencing immunosuppression. This would entail offering the second dose at the recommended minimum for that vaccine (three or four weeks from the first dose) to provide maximum benefit that may not be received if the second dose was given during the period of immunosuppression.

Any decision to defer immunosuppressive therapy or to delay possible benefit from vaccination until after therapy should not be taken without due consideration of the risks from COVID-19 and from their underlying condition.

The vaccine is a prescription medicine.

COVID-19 vaccine except when administered by vaccinators, registered pharmacists, or registered intern pharmacists who have successfully completed the COVID-19 Vaccinator Education Course (or any equivalent training course on COVID-19 Prescription vaccination approved by the Ministry of Health) and who comply with the immunisation standards of the Ministry of Health (but excluding vaccinators who have completed the Provisional Vaccinator Foundation Course or the COVID-19 Vaccinator – Working under Supervision Course)
Medicines Act 1981 Section 3

prescription medicine means a medicine that is declared by regulations or by a notice given under section 106 to be one that, except as may be permitted by regulations, may be—

(a) sold by retail only under a prescription given by an authorised prescriber, veterinarian, or delegated prescriber; and

(b) supplied in circumstances corresponding to retail sale only—

(i) under a prescription given by an authorised prescriber, veterinarian, or delegated prescriber; or

(ii) in accordance with a standing order; and

(c) administered only in accordance with—

(i) a prescription given by an authorised prescriber, veterinarian, or delegated prescriber; or

(ii) a standing order

Important Post Script.

There are Doctors for example, the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (, who, right from the launch of the Covid 19 gene therapy, voiced their concerns about Ardern and Bloomfield’s ‘safe and effective’ mantra, but they were silenced by the MSM and by their professional bodies, and can no longer practice medicine.


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