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NSW Clamps Down on Vegan Domestic Terrorists

No farmer or worker should have to put up with violent, militant idiots like these.

While it’s mildly surprising that vegan activists have been able to summon up the strength to carry their recent campaign of intimidation and violence against farming families, what’s been truly shocking is the indulgence with which police have treated these soy-powered terrorists. When militants raided a goat farm in Gippsland and stole several animals, police didn’t charge them with livestock theft, as they should. Instead, in a shocking breakdown of public order, police all but pleaded with the smug thieves, before finally agreeing to let them keep the property they had stolen.

Thankfully, at least some authorities in Australia are determined to not only enforce the law but force some plain common-sense on these swivel-eyed vegan militants.

Vegan protesters who storm through farms will now be slapped with fines of up to $440,000.
The strict new laws, announced by the NSW Government, would see animal activists given on-the-spot trespassing fines of $1,000 and biosecurity fines up to $220,000 per person or $440,000 for corporations from August 1.

Deputy Premier John Barilaro described the animal rights campaigners as ‘domestic terrorists’ with the government considering jail time as further punishment for repeat offenders.

It should be remembered that most farms are not just businesses, but are also family homes. No other sector would be expected to tolerate masked vigilantes raiding their family homes and threatening the inhabitants with violence.

The crackdown on militant vegans comes after a series of farms in Australia were invaded by protesters, with some chaining themselves to machinery.

‘Vigilantes who are entering our farmers’ property illegally are nothing short of domestic terrorists,’ Mr Barilaro said.

‘Our farmers have had a gutful. They don’t deserve nor have time to be dealing with illegal trespass and vile harassment from a bunch of virtue-signalling thugs.

‘The NSW government is putting in place the harshest penalties in the country.’

Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall said the protesters may contaminate crops by stepping over them during an invasion.

These thugs are not only harassing and traumatising hard working farmers and their families,’ he said.

‘They’re also posing serious biosecurity risks by potentially bringing contaminants and diseases onto properties that could wipe out an entire farming operation.’

The government will look into amending the state’s biosecurity act, allowing tough penalties to be introduced.

Even worse, these moronic thugs regularly cause the deaths of the animals they “liberate”, because they know next-to-nothing about real, live animals, as opposed to fluffy pictures of kittens on the internet.

Thirteen people have been charged after allegedly killing chickens they stole from a farm after threatening the owner with bolt cutters.

NSW police claim the protesters forced their way into the shed at the chicken farm in Lakesland, south-west of Sydney, on Thursday morning.

The group then allegedly refused directions to leave and placed the chickens in cages before fleeing the property…They were charged with several offences including animal cruelty, malicious damage and steal or kill with intent to steal a domestic animal or bird.

One man, 46, was also charged after allegedly assaulting police with an offensive weapon.

May I suggest that next time these loons raid a dairy farm, the farmer just locks them in the milking yard with a stroppy bull. Then we’ll see how much animals are their “friends”.

Oops, how did that machinery get turned on? Oh, well, that’s how you make vegan sausages…
