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Nurses for Freedom NZ National Action Weds 31 Aug

Nurses for Freedom NZ

Yesterday we attended the Freedom and Rights Coalition protest in Wellington and proudly displayed our new banner.

Our messages were clear

(1) We are nurses and represent all health care workers

(2) Drop the mandates

(3) Let unvaccinated health care workers back to work to support a failing health system.

We had hundreds of people thank us for standing up for our beliefs and representing those with no voice; we felt very tearful and privileged.

Whilst not everyone could attend one of the protests yesterday we would encourage everyone to join us at 2.30 pm next Wednesday 31st August for our next Nurses National Action.

We will be at Christchurch Hospital,  Kaitaia (Redan Rd), Taranaki Base Hospital, Waikato Hospital, Whangarei Hospital, Blenheim-Wairau Hospital, Hastings Hospital, Palmerston North Hospital, Dunedin Public Hospital, Golden Bay Hospital (South Island), Middlemore, Warkworth (SH1 and Woodcocks Rd); Gisborne Hospital, Masterton Hospital, Tauranga Hospital. More sites and exact locations will be posted on our website over the next few days.

It is of course really important that these events are professional and support our cause to get back to work. Whilst we encourage you to bring homemade signs we also ask that they are only about the mandates, getting nurses back to work etc rather than the hundreds of other issues that we are currently facing. We reserve the right to ask anyone with signs or behaviour that does not represent NFFNZ to leave.

We are aware there may be counter protestors and/or the press at these events and trust you will let our experienced Coordinators manage both if needed.

This time IT IS PERSONAL for each New Zealander. It’s about the risk the government is exposing each patient to. It is about our sick and exhausted health care workers. It is about those nurses who got vaccinated but were still terminated due to vaxx injuries.

It is about ALL New Zealanders.

Check out our website for ideas for your signs (to include pictures on our ‘home’ page) plus, PLEASE share the below flyers on all your social media pages over the next few days, and let’s make this another event to remember!

If you are able to support us via financial ‘donations’ please get in touch as we support nurses with petrol costs etc. If you are aware of people needing support in our communities that would suit a companion or health advocate role please also get in touch.

On behalf of the team at NFFNZ, thank you!
