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NY Keeps Secret Files on Unvaxed Teachers

Segregation, C. 2022. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

One of the biggest – and continuing – lies of the pandemic was and is ‘no-one is being forced to take the vaccine’. Well, if you don’t count the threat of losing your job as coercion, maybe not.

But, even worse than the economic coercion was the social pressure. If you declined to take the Covid vaccines, you were suddenly selfish, stupid, a conspiracy theorist, a denier, even a white supremacist and a Nazi.

In fact, according to the New York City Department of Education, you’re little better than a paedophile or a rapist.

A group of nine Congressional representatives from New York have taken a united front, urging the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) to conduct a full investigation regarding secret “problem codes” databases, alongside fingerprints, that were kept on teachers who opted not to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. The representatives have penned a letter to the NYC DOE Chancellor, David Banks, expressing their concerns.

It’s bad enough that bureaucrats are keeping tabs on teachers like this – even worse that they’re lumping them in with the worst people imaginable.

The gravity of the issue is rooted in the NYC DOE’s utilization of the same “problem codes” database – ordinarily assigned to individuals accused of severe offenses like child abuse, rape, or assault – for educators who were put on unpaid leave due to their refusal to get vaccinated against Covid-19, as per an internal email in 2022. The comparison of unvaccinated educators with individuals implicated in heinous crimes has created a maelstrom of concerns.

Bear in mind that these teachers have done nothing wrong, certainly nothing illegal. Like most US states, New York has rescinded its vaccine mandates. Yet, still they’re spying on teachers, while trying to keep that fact hidden.

Mary Holland, former president of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), an organization actively advocating for a bipartisan congressional investigation since March, was emphatic about the lack of transparency. She stated that the city’s “unwillingness to be transparent about how and when these codes are used and under what circumstances requires a thorough and complete investigation”.

Kim Mack Rosenberg, CHD’s acting general counsel, applauded the lawmakers’ call for an investigation, adding that the codes were “intended for use in connection with grievous allegations of misconduct, not for teachers lawfully attempting to protect their rights”.

Adding to the chorus of concerns, Michael Kane, national grassroots organizer for CHD and founder of Teachers For Choice, elucidated the detrimental impact of these codes on the educators’ careers. He referred to the codes as a “Scarlet Letter”, and highlighted that some educators were denied employment opportunities even outside New York City due to these codes.

Which seems to contradict New York City Hall’s denial that external organisations can access the codes.

The letter’s lead author, Rep Nicholas Langworthy, criticized City Hall for “false and misleading statements” concerning the use and consequences of these codes on educators’ livelihoods.

The letter posed several questions to Chancellor Banks, including inquiries regarding the purpose and use of these codes, the criteria for assigning them, their consequences, and whether this information was disseminated to law enforcement agencies. The lawmakers also sought to know the city’s plan to rectify the situation.

Reclaim The Net

You’d best start believing in a Chinese Communist-style “social credit” system – because you’re in one in all but name.
