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NZ Has Become a Nation of Karens, Narks and Snitches

Karen. Photoshopped image credit Dieuwe de Boer

Egged on by the head Karen, Jacinda Ardern, the country has turned into a nation of narks, snitches and Karens. Anna Leask reports:

Auckland business owners already struggling to stay afloat during current level 3 restrictions say being unfairly reported to police for “breaching” the rules is causing them huge stress and anxiety.

And while they understand the community’s fear around the spread of Covid-19, they are encouraging people to call them first before “narking” to authorities or sending photos straight to media outlets.

The Herald has received a number of photos and videos of businesses allegedly breaching rules and of members of the public gathering in larger groups.

Some have been reported to police. […]

Yesterday the police non-emergency 105 line was experiencing high demand with people calling to report potential breaches.

On Sunday the line received 3746 calls – approximately 1000 more calls than usual.

The Herald has also been inundated by people concerned their businesses were operating outside the rules.

NZ Herald

The ostracising of people has been fostered by ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda as she turns neighbour against neighbour, mate against mate.

New Zealand used to have a staunch culture of no narking; now it is rife.

Photoshops credit The BFD.

There are clearly a lot of people who never got a smack in the face for narking while they were at school.

When I was at school, snitches got stitches. We all knew it, we knew that to nark meant getting a hiding. These valuable life lessons seem to have bypassed generations of Kiwis.

Now, like East Germans and those under Nazi control of Germany, we have neighbours and relatives dobbing in people to the authorities.

What a sad indictment of this nation.

What this all shows however is just how easy it is to slip into totalitarianism if we are not vigilant.

‘Jackboot’ Jacinda needs to be held to account for her own bullying of a Papatoetoe woman as her accusations have now been shown to be false.

People should be hanging their heads in shame for engaging in bullying behaviour egged on by ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda. It is unedifying to watch New Zealand embrace a snitch culture with such gay abandon.

This will be ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda’s last legacy, turning mate against mate.

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