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NZ Herald Publishes Opinion Piece Based on Fake News

The BFD.

Courtesy of the entrenched Trump Derangement Syndrome in one of their opinion writers, Bryan Gould, Kiwis are being fed lies by the NZ Herald, again.

I am not easily shocked – and certainly not when it comes to anything to do with Donald Trump.

But I confess that I was shocked – and not only shocked, but disgusted and contemptuous as well – when I saw the headline reporting that Trump had offered large sums of money to a German company for access to a coronavirus vaccine they had developed – and not just any old access, but “exclusive” access, so that only Americans would benefit from it. […]

In my opinion, it takes a particularly warped mind to develop such an order of priorities – and it takes an even more warped and narrowly focused mind to deny a remedy that could be available to everyone worldwide, but to ensure that it was restricted just to those in his own country. The corollary of restricting it to Americans only is to deny it to the rest of the world.

The world is in a truly parlous state if one of its most powerful leaders is able to think and feel in such a distorted fashion. What happened to the “moral leadership” the United States claimed to exercise on behalf of the “free world”? Where is that sense of common humanity and “goodwill to all men” (and women) that we might expect from those who claim to lead us and to look after our shared interests?

There are many reasons for regarding Donald Trump as unfit for his high office. But none is as compelling to me as the one he has exemplified in this unhappy episode.

A Newspaper

This was first published on the 19th of March and it appeared in print in the Bay of Plenty Times on the 24th of March.


Note the date: The 16th of March.

A German company working on a potential vaccine for the new coronavirus denied reports Monday that the U.S. government was angling to acquire it, while German officials sought to ease tensions fueled by the story by insisting the firm would stay in the country.

On Sunday, Germany’s Welt am Sonntag newspaper, citing unidentified German government sources, reported that the then-boss of CureVac took part in a meeting between pharmaceutical managers and U.S. President Donald Trump in early March. It said Trump apparently was offering the German firm a large amount to secure its work for the U.S.

In a tweet Monday, CureVac confirmed it had been one of the companies at the meeting, but said the media reports about an offer were incorrect.


It really is not that hard to use an internet search engine, Bryan.

German pharmaceutical company CureVac insists it did not receive any offer from U.S. President Donald Trump to secure exclusive rights to a potential coronavirus vaccine, despite the German government and the company’s main investor saying it did.

CureVac deputy CEO Franz-Werner Haas said on Tuesday “there was and is no offer” from Trump “or any governmental organizations” to take over the company or “to have manufacturing slots reserved” for exclusive vaccine production for the U.S. market.

The Tübingen-based company on Sunday and Monday rejected reports that Trump had attempted to snatch up exclusive rights to the firm’s coronavirus vaccine, which is currently being developed in cooperation with a taxpayer-funded German institute.


So who are you going to believe? Someone who was in the meeting and heard the discussion or some wannabe hack with a chip on his shoulder?

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