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NZ History Turned on Its Head

HangonaMin Woke Examiner final version



By TWE History Explainer-editor:

A recent excavation in a cave in a remote part of Westland has unearthed an explosive history changing discovery.

A trove of documents written in a beautiful early Maori script along with photographs from the 1700s shows Maori were not in the ‘stone age’ as racist explorers like Captain Cook and present day white supremacists claim.

The photos show the average Maori lived in mansions with park-like grounds and a standard of living stone age Europeans could only dream of.

One of the photos from the 1700s showing the luxurious lifestyle of the average Maori family back in the good old days. Photoshopped image credit HangonaMin. The BFD

The documents are written on a paper of a quality which is unable to be matched by modern technology.

They record amongst other things the arrival of Captain Cook in those calm and peaceful isles.

The famed history expert, Dame Claudia Scoringe (Rhymes with orange) has take possession of them saying this is confirmation of her long held thoughts on the whole matter.

The Education Department is using them as a basis for the new NZ history school curriculum to be introduced soon.

Here is a precis of what will be taught.

On 8 October 1769 after blundering about, lost in the pacific, Captain Cook’s flotilla of hollowed out logs washed ashore.

Holding a bloodied young Nicks head aloft, Captain Cook led his motley collection of thugs and white supremacists on a violent rampage thought Aotearoa – as it was then called.

The mansions and all signs of higher civilization were obliterated.

After claiming Aotearoa for the barbarian Queen Victoria it was renamed New Zealand.

The Maori sailing fleet of tall ships, maps, Maori’s fine clothing and technology were confiscated to give Britain the edge.

Kupe, the famed navigator, was captured, put in chains and forced to guide the lost explorers/plunderers back to England using the confiscated tall ships.

The rest is history so to speak.

By TWE Ardern policy Explainer-editor:

New details have been released from the Climate Change Commission report.

All pleasure boats which include powerboats for recreational fishing, jet skis and yachts (unless motorless and completely constructed from wood) are to be banned.

The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s First Man will have an exemption as he will continue to make fishing programmes for television through which the nation’s recreational anglers can fish vicariously.

Kayaks and canoes will still be allowed as long as they are made from approved organic recyclable materials like birch bark and hollowed out logs.

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