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The ventriloquist. Cartoon credit SonovaMin The BFD.

I have been reading the well researched and written book He Puapua. The further into the book you get the more obvious it becomes that this country is basically run out of New York. I suppose we should not be surprised for a number of reasons. The first is that the Prime Minister sees that as her bolt hole for when she is run out of town or uses it as an escape route prior to that happening. The second is that, knowing the UN is her next port of call, she is anxious to do the UN’s bidding. The third is that she is fully supportive of their agenda.

Before getting into the spreading of the UN tentacles in this country I will give my personal view of the organisation. Like the League of Nations before it, it is an elephantine outfit serving no practical purpose. At best it could be said to provide advice to governments who are incapable of thinking for themselves. Our government is a good example. At worst it is a left-wing think tank made up of endless numbers of people sitting on endless committees spewing out a mix of Socialist and Marxist ideology. This ideology comprises all manner of subjects covering our everyday lives.

The ventriloquist. Cartoon credit SonovaMin The BFD.

We couldn’t have a government better placed to implement the nonsense that comes out of the UN. Ardern is, or was, the global pin-up girl, leading a government who, like her, are also believers. They make no secret of the fact. Apart from being believers, it suits them because not one of the 69 is an independent thinker. A caucus of 69 – and not one has the mental capacity or fortitude to consider what is best for this country; they are simply governing according to guidelines set by the UN. We are now starting to see the results.

Successive governments have signed up to too many of these UN declarations and other edicts. In terms of our loss of independence, we are now being run in a similar way to how the UK was run by the EU which is still trying to run the UK despite Brexit. The difference is that while the UK’s agenda is to escape the tentacles of the EU, we are willingly allowing our country to be enveloped by the tentacles of the UN. First, there was Agenda 21 which failed and became Agenda 30. The latter is what Ardern has signed us up to.

In 2019 Ardern was a guest speaker at a private gathering in New York hosted by none other than Bill and Melinda Gates. She told the audience that New Zealand (meaning she) had taken the lead and embedded Agenda 30 into this country’s regulatory and legal framework.

“ I believe that the change in approach that we (I) have adopted in New Zealand is needed at a global scale”.

Jacinda Ardern

The problems that caused Agenda 21 to fail will also eventually bring about the downfall of Agenda 30.

Agenda 30 has 17 goals, all very laudable and not beyond the thinking of any individual competent government. The problem is that they are good in theory but if you try putting most into practice without due regard to the economic consequences you’ll find yourself where New Zealand is now – staring down the barrel of huge debt.

The UN deals in theory – how they would like the world to be. They pay little regard to how their theories might work in practice. These are highly paid people who, like this Labour Government, have no experience of the real world.

The idea that the ultimate goal of the UN is a one-world government with a one-world currency, military etc is poo-poohed by the left as a far-right conspiracy theory. Really? Look no further than the EU.

It’s another leftist elephantine organisation with the same goals. The real aim of these outfits is CONTROL through loss of sovereignty and the implementation of policies requiring redistribution of wealth. This is the only way they can possibly achieve their goals. For this to happen everyone involved, all countries, need to be on the same page. I refer you to Ardern’s comment above.

One of the worst UN mandates we signed up to was to do with the rights of indigenous peoples out of which He Puapua was born. It appears that various representatives from the UN have visited these shores looking at what we are doing through our legislation in this regard and how we might improve in this area. The upshot of this is precisely the reason Helen Clark chose not to get involved in such a measure. John Key did it for a purely political purpose: to appease the Maori Party. Worse still, it was done secretively.

Our laws, as Helen Clark was astute enough to observe, did not always match up with what the UN was requiring. Jacinda Ardern, at the behest of a Labour Maori caucus, allowed to throw its weight around, is implementing as much of it as fast as she can.

Jacinda to Tiki. Concept credit Juana. Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Just change the law where it is needed. Three Waters is the obvious one but indigenous rights will be enshrined in all sorts of legislation to the point where the minority will be in charge of the majority. Ardern won’t see this as a problem, rather as another opportunity to implement the UN agenda.

As the UK has done with the EU – we need to get our independence back.

Our future is indeed bleak if we have a government that is simply implementing the UN’s policies.  We need to be masters of our own destiny and not some operational arm of an organisation happy to see us prostituting ourselves as a guinea pig for their half-brained schemes.

Ardern is in this for Ardern, not New Zealand, not the Muslim community or anyone else. These are just things and people to be used along the way. She might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but when it comes to getting to where she wants to go, she can cut it with the best of them.
