New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science
Open Letter Sent to NZ Police
On the 5th of March 2021 Senior Police Constable Dan Picknell, an experienced frontline officer with over 19 years service, raised serious concerns formally with Police Commissioner Andrew Coster about the New Zealand Government’s COVID-19 Health Response, highlighting potential criminality and harm to the New Zealand Public as a result.
Subsequently, senior Constable Dan Picknell had numerous interactions with senior police leaders up until his resignation from New Zealand Police in early June 2022 around the concerns raised, as well as the actions of Commissioner Coster and other Police staff.
During this time NZ Police were not willing to investigate or consider any of the issues identified, in particular harms caused by COVID-19 injections, despite over 66,000 New Zealanders having reported adverse reactions to CARM from minor health issues through to serious injury and death. Any other medical product with this level of harm would have been removed in a very short time.
NZDSOS is very familiar with this pattern of obfuscation and denial from NZ Police, having reported many specific cases of sudden death shortly following COVID-19 injections to them, with a request for investigation. Our communications with Police, and all other agencies, can be found here. Emails obtained by us show that senior Police worked hard (and successfully) to shield Commissioner Coster from knowledge of or responsibility for our reports.
However, senior police staff did make disclosures and comments to Senior Constable Dan Picknell. This led him to believe that Police management had lost sight of NZ Police values and obligations to protect the public and investigate possible crimes.
In October 2023 Dan Picknell sent an email to Commissioner Andrew Coster and the other Senior Police managers he had previously been dealing with, bringing attention to new evidence of Pfizer having provided a different COVID-19 immunisation product to New Zealand than the product that was given Provisional Consent by Medsafe thereby committing fraud, and being a potential reason for the mass injury of many of the recipients of this product in New Zealand.
Dan Picknell asked Commissioner Andrew Coster to provide an answer as to whether or not he would now act in accordance with the law and investigate the concerns raised that affect the majority of Kiwis who have been injected with a misrepresented and very dangerous product.
To date no response has been forthcoming so Dan Picknell has released his email as an open letter so the New Zealand public may be privy to his efforts to prevent any further harm to the people of New Zealand, and for the people of New Zealand to ask why Police have not acted when holding knowledge of serious wrongdoing from at least the 5th of March 2021. We are very grateful to Mr. Picknell for his courage, and commitment to the New Zealand people.
Of his letter, he states
“In releasing the letter below dated October 20, 2023 as an open letter, my intention is to raise awareness to the people of New Zealand to the difficulties I have experienced communicating with Senior New Zealand Police over matters of importance and consequence to all Kiwis. To date despite me sending this letter to Police twice I have had no reply.
Because of this, I have no confidence in Commissioner Coster’s ability to continue as Commissioner of New Zealand Police. I seek his resignation so that a full and thorough Police investigation and separate independent Public enquiry may be undertaken investigating the concerns I have raised around New Zealand’s COVID-19 response, the ensuing harms caused by the response and the actions or lack of, from those entrusted to protect us and ensure the interests of the New Zealand people are the first and foremost priority above all else.
It is my belief that Commissioner Coster has failed to maintain independence from any Minister of the Crown pursuant to section 16(2)(a)(b)(c) of the Policing Act 2008. This belief is strengthened by the Commissioner’s lack of response or action to legitimate concerns raised by NZDSOS and by comments Inspector Srhoj made when he visited me on behalf of Commissioner Coster and he told me that Police do not investigate Government.
For me, Government is made up of Ministers representing the people, and these Ministers are people like the rest of us who like the rest of us can make poor decisions or be subject to coercion, bribery and or criminal activity. Ministers within Government are not exempt from the rule of law or from the consequences of breaking the law.
In the below letter I have made minor amendment from the original letter to protect individuals privacy around health-related comments that were made directly to me by the individuals. I have left the comments in because it highlights a lack of adherence to Police values within the highest levels of NZ Police to make these comments but still have been not prepared to speak up, investigate or take complaints of harm seriously.
There are many good people within NZ Police doing an often thankless job, I support the good work they do on behalf of us all. I do not support the poor leadership currently displayed within NZ Police.”