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NZ Race Relations Roundup

Maori Waka carving

Tuesday 16 February 2021


Northland Regional Council working party wants three Maori seats

Northland Regional Council’s Te Tai Tokerau Maori and Council Working Party says the council should have three Maori seats.

Pita Tipene (Ngati Hine), newly-elected Te Tai Tokerau Maori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) co-chair, said three Maori seats on the Northland Regional Council (NRC) would be a good start in a journey of incremental change.

The Maori seats would be part of an NRC representation review. NRC would continue to work on an initial review proposal which it had to adopt by August 31……

Wellington councillors threatened over Shelly Bay: You’d both have been necklaced with a burning tyre

Police are investigating after two Maori Wellington City councillors who were threatened on social media for voting in favour of the contentious Shelly Bay development.

Dr Catherine Love – from Mau Whenua, which opposes the $500 million development – took to Facebook on February 5, leading to other inflammatory comments and a subsequent complaint to police, who on Sunday confirmed an investigation had been launched.

“Jill Day and Tamatha Paul … hoki ki o maunga [return to your mountains] and let your own people deal to you,” Love wrote, then quoted from a Mau Whenua supporter who said Day and her “gal pal councillors” were “turncoats”.

“You will fail to make yourself safe in our lands until you do right by [Shelly Bay],” the quote said…

Board fully supports proposed Kapiti Gateway Centre

Kapiti iwi, Te Ätiawa ki Whakarongotai and Ngati Toa Rangatira have combined to signal their strong support for the proposed Kapiti Gateway by gifting (koha) the following name – Te Uruhi

The gifting by mana whenua of the original name Te Uruhi to this site is also hugely significant to iwi in the spirit of partnership between iwi and the Council as Treaty partners.”…

Reform new start for Maori in planning

The Environment Minister says reform of the Resource Management Act is a chance to improve the status of the Treaty of Waitangi in planning laws.

“They thought the treaty clause should be elevated. It currently says the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi have to be had regard to. That test should be elevated to ‘give effect to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi’,” Minister Parker says.

The new built environment and strategic planning acts will involve Maori in planning at an earlier stage…

Oranga Tamariki beyond repair, but care needed over replacement, Waitangi Tribunal told

There is no other way to stop tamariki Maori being disproportionately taken into state care than to disestablish Oranga Tamariki, the Waitangi Tribunal has been told during closing submissions for the urgent inquiry into the child protection agency.

Former chair of the Maori Council Ta Taihakurie Durie proposed in his closing submission that the new organisation draw on the Maori council model, as set out under the Maori Community Development Act 1962.

“What we had … was a Maori structure for Maori governance based on the opposite to the European structure where the power sits with the community and everything ascends up from the community,” Durie said…….


Graham Adams: Nanaia Mahuta and the Maori wards

Doubt about Maori wards for Dunedin

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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Legend Eddie Low has died. He was educated at the Foundation for the Blind in Auckland. He started his first band when he was 13 and called it the Three Blind Mice.

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