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NZ Race Relations Roundup

Maori Waka carving


National and Labour clash over councils introducing Maori wards

A National MP is suggesting it’s undemocratic for councils to decide whether we should have Maori wards.

National MP for Whangaparaoa, Mark Mitchell told Mike Hosking councillors who bring in the wards should be voted out.

“I like to leave decisions with the community – and stop elected officials grabbing more and more power.”

Labour’s Stuart Nash says he’s not against the idea of Maori wards.

“I am in favour of having them, but its up to local councils to determine, not the government.”…

Shane Jones: Maori seats inevitable.

Former New Zealand First MP Shane Jones says Maori wards in local government are inevitable.

“Unless you integrate and involve Maori and participate and try and broaden the base of acceptance for a lot of what local government is doing it just leads to bitterness and it leads to far too much divisiveness so I just see it as an inevitability,” he says…

Expert independent advisory group appointed to strengthen future of Maori broadcasting

A panel of seven experts are adding their support to help shape the future of Maori broadcasting, Minister for Maori Development Willie Jackson has announced today.

“Today I will meet with some of the most experienced Maori broadcasters, commentators and practitioners in the field. They have practical insights on the media landscape that will be important as we look ahead. I am excited to have their input as we look to support a capable and sustainable Maori broadcasting sector”.

The independent advisory panel members are Peter Lucas-Jones, Scotty Morrison, Annabelle Lee-Mather, Nicole Hoey, Ella Henry, Jason Ake and Bailey Mackey. They span the fields of iwi radio, television broadcasting, journalism, production and language revitalisation. The panel will be appointed until 30 June 2021…

Oranga Tamariki boss makes stunning concession of ‘structural racism’ to Waitangi Tribunal

Oranga Tamariki boss Grainne Moss has told the Waitangi Tribunal that structural racism “at all levels” in the child welfare agency has made life worse for Maori children.

Appearing in Wellington, Moss said she believed the Crown needed to make certain concessions to allow iwi, Maori and the general public to “move forward together”.

She said structural racism was a feature of the care and protection system, with adverse effects for tamariki Maori, whanau, hapu and iwi…

The BFD. Uplifting babies. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Maori Party’s Rawiri Waititi delivers haka for Te Tiriti before being sworn in to Parliament

Prior to swearing the standard allegiances in his oath at Parliament, Waititi performed a haka in relation to the oath raising Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Waititi has been calling for it to be included over the last few days. The current oath requires MPs to swear their allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

“But it’s very unfair at this particular time to be swearing an oath to one partner of that Tiriti.”

“We’re going to do things different, we’ve started to do things different and we will continue to do things different.”

Time for MPs’ oath to sit the Treaty next to the Queen?

The Maori Party is committed to changing the oath MPs have to swear before they can join Parlament to have the Treaty of Waitangi included.

Co-leaders Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngawera-Parker say that the traditional oath doesn’t recognise Maori and their place as the treaty partner.

Earlier today MPs met at Matangireia, the Maori meeting room in Parliament, to pray before a copy of the Treaty. The room was full of Maori and non-Maori, all showing respect to the country’s founding document…

Digital turbocharge for iwi

Governance entity Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, the 68,000-member iwi, and digital services company Vodafone have signed a strategic agreement to increase digital connectivity across the iwi, addressing under-representation of Maori in the industry and fostering positive outcomes for young people in the region.

Vodafone New Zealand chief executive, Jason Paris, says the partnership ties into Vodafone’s overall aim to collaborate with Maori business: “The multi-billion dollar Maori business sector is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy in Aotearoa, and is increasingly using digital technology as the sector expands. We want to turbocharge this…

Cook essay act of indigenous rebellion

A Waikato essayist is urging indigenous writers to break out of western styles

The associate professor of Maori & Indigenous studies at the University of Waikato has compiled indigenous research and insights to challenge readers to think differently about Cook’s global colonial legacy and also to inspire other writers…


Mike Hosking: Push for Maori wards on councils is racist and undemocratic

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